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Health Exams


Mastermind Talker
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How often do you go for exams for your body like eyes, teeth, general medical check, ect.
For the dentist, I go three times a year: twice for a regular check-up and once to see the orthodontist (had braces three years ago).

I go to the optometrist once a year to test my eyes and determine whether I need a new set of glasses or not.

General check-ups occur once a year for me.
Dentist: Usually just when I have to.

Doctor: I have a few I see for some health stuff, but once every couple months.

Eyes: Like once every couple years. Sometimes less.
I haven't been sick to a doctor in years. :p

Anyway: I go to the dentist twice a year, because insurance pays for it. Then I try to go to the eye-doctor bi-yearly. Doesn't normally happen, though.
Around a few times a year, just in case. Usually, I have to do this to make sure my body is in good shape.
Pretty much never, thats why im a big mess...
I try to do once a year with teeth, sometimes a physical and about 3 or more years for eyes.
So far I've checked my teeth once a year (dental care for people under 18 years old is free in Norway). Not sure how often I'll get a checkup now though. Haven't been to a doctor for years.