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Heat players recruiting Manning...:)

lol I guess this shows just how important a player Manning could be to miami.

But this kind of thing isn't new. Guys from other sports try to sway other to play in their same cities all the time.
I hope they are successful! I would love to have Peyton on Florida!
Doubt Manning's gonna be swayed by any of this. He probably knows where he'll end up. He's had time to think about this. He probably wants to stay in the AFC so he doesn't block his brother form going to the superbowl(I think Eli would stop Peyton actually).

If he does end up playing for Miami, LeBron and Wade will have nothing to do with it.
I wouldn't be swayed by them. I doubt Peyton cares what Lebron and Wade think.
I think after the way LeBron acted in his "decision" he may want to shut up and let Manning make his own decision before he runs him off. Manning would not want to be associated with such an ego maniacal show of narcissism.
I think after the way LeBron acted in his "decision" he may want to shut up and let Manning make his own decision before he runs him off. Manning would not want to be associated with such an ego maniacal show of narcissism.

I never thought about it, but that is **** true. The last thing Peyton wants to even remotely do is make a public spectacle of himself the way Lebron did.
I think the Dolphins would be the closest to home he could be except for New Orleans. Also, the fair weather in Miami would be good for a guy who's used to playing indoors. I wonder how he would like working under Bill Parcells.
I think the Dolphins would be the closest to home he could be except for New Orleans. Also, the fair weather in Miami would be good for a guy who's used to playing indoors. I wonder how he would like working under Bill Parcells.

Are you going to root for whichever team he signs for next season?
My basketball coach and I have been talking about this and we have decided that he will go to the Dolphins. I really wish he would go to the Cowboys though lol I am tired of Romo
I highly doubt that Manning is going to be swayed by what Dwyane Wade and LeBron James think. He may be swayed by football players on particular teams but why would he care what the two of them think.
I highly doubt that Manning is going to be swayed by what Dwyane Wade and LeBron James think. He may be swayed by football players on particular teams but why would he care what the two of them think.

Haha yeah, the dolphins do make a ton of sense, but I think that Wade and James may be hindering the decision rather than helping it. I mean I bet Manning wants to avoid that whole circus rather than join it.

Although it would be SOOOO funny if Manning did a "decision" TV special mocking James, then went to Miami. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Just when I thought the Heat couldn't get any dumber. They go and do something like this..................and totally don't redeem themselves.
This is pretty funny, god knows the Heat aren't gunna win with anti-clutch Lebron, he just wants to see a championship in Miami even if Peyton has to win it! I personally would love to see him as a dolphin.
My basketball coach and I have been talking about this and we have decided that he will go to the Dolphins. I really wish he would go to the Cowboys though lol I am tired of Romo

LOL, i'm pretty sure EVERYONE is tired of Homo-err Romo.

I think the Heat players want Miami to be known as a town with more than one successful sports franchise; thus far, the Heat has done far better than the Florida Panthers and the Miami Dolphins, with only the Florida (now Miami) Marlins popping up every so often to remind everyone that the South Florida area has a MLB team, too.
Showboater (Wade) and Grandstander (Lebron) are not going to convince Manning to go to Miami with their opinion.

This is just a ploy to get box seats with the celebrity shareholders during the season because we all know other celebs wouldn't be caught dead at a Dolphins game (or Marlins game for that matter) for any reason without a superstar QB as the draw.
I think he is going to Dolphins, he looks really good in their colors.