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Is America coming apart?


This was an interesting article. Is America on the same path that the Romans went down that lead to their ultimate destruction?
I would have to agree with the article. Children are brought up not fully knowing our history. They are taught the Rainbow and Unicorns version of our history.
What has been lost to our children is the willingness to debate an issue or stand against something they don't believe in. Very few people take a stand today most are guide in flocks like sheep.
I myself teach my children what their schools leave out in History class. Our history is not Rainbows and Lollipops it was littered with many travesties. I teach my kids to stand up for what they believe in regardless if I am opposed to it. That is what our country is about and has been lost on people 13 to 45.
These people do allow our leaders to lie and do nothing but say oh well. Is this what our country is about? Was this the intentions of our forefathers? No it wasn't. Can we reclaim our heritage yes we can if those who close a blind eye, open their eyes and stand up to injustice our leaders commit.
Ever since I learned the history of the Romans in my Latin I class my freshman year of high school, this thought has always been in my mind. After taking 2 more years of Latin, and becoming a little more mature and understanding out government a little better, the thought became concrete. We are going down a bad road, our politicians and senators are all about making money, just like the Roman senators, and people are not standing up for whats right. Its all doomed to failure, just as the Romans.

Also on the fact about children this day and age not being able to express their thoughts on a debate, you hit that spot on, nobody has an opinion anymore, it is made for them, my generation, the generation thats next in line to deal with America's problems, has no opinion for themselves. Bad all in all.

It sickens me that people have so much of difference of opinion, they can't see that they're tearing this country apart, They are unwilling to come to a middle consensus and actually help the nation, instead they argue and get NOTHING done. And when things do go through, its all for personal benefits in the end aka what the Romans did until the fall of Rome.

Once again, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to politics, and it may not be as easy as I think it is to come to an agreement to help someone out, that someone being as our nation. Maybe it''ll take a national tragedy to bring the nation together, either that or it'll be too late.

I have hope though, that someone will have their head out their butt and actually be smart, and caring enough to being this nation back together, and put us on the right track again.
Nicholas said:
Ever since I learned the history of the Romans in my Latin I class my freshman year of high school, this thought has always been in my mind. After taking 2 more years of Latin, and becoming a little more mature and understanding out government a little better, the thought became concrete. We are going down a bad road, our politicians and senators are all about making money, just like the Roman senators, and people are not standing up for whats right. Its all doomed to failure, just as the Romans.

Also on the fact about children this day and age not being able to express their thoughts on a debate, you hit that spot on, nobody has an opinion anymore, it is made for them, my generation, the generation thats next in line to deal with America's problems, has no opinion for themselves. Bad all in all.

It sickens me that people have so much of difference of opinion, they can't see that they're tearing this country apart, They are unwilling to come to a middle consensus and actually help the nation, instead they argue and get NOTHING done. And when things do go through, its all for personal benefits in the end aka what the Romans did until the fall of Rome.

Once again, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to politics, and it may not be as easy as I think it is to come to an agreement to help someone out, that someone being as our nation. Maybe it''ll take a national tragedy to bring the nation together, either that or it'll be too late.

I have hope though, that someone will have their head out their butt and actually be smart, and caring enough to being this nation back together, and put us on the right track again.

A difference of opinion is not what tears this country part. It is actually a good thing for a democracy to have. What tears a country apart is the citizens becoming complacent with what goes on with their leaders. People start to say "Why should we care there is nothing we can do about it." Yet Our founders created a system that does just that if people would participate in the process. My wife does not vote why, because she feels her vote means nothing.
If you don't like what an elected official is doing then we all have the power to vote him/her out and put someone we think will do the job we want. Do I agree with the Democrat's ideas, for the most part no I don't. Though I do agree with some of the things they have done to an extent. If these things were handled properly then they could work.
People who don't agree with what is going on would much rather not vote because they feel it will not make much of a difference. If all those people would vote though it would make all the difference in the world. It would show where they stand and what they believe.
I will not say either side is right or wrong because both have pro's and con's. I am more conservative though I am not A republican. They nominated Romney which in my eyes was a waste. Did I vote for him no because I did not believe he would bring anything good to the White House. I think Obama is a waste also did I vote for him no I did not. Yet I voted for who I believed in which was a third party candidate.
My candidate did not win that does not mean my vote was a waste it was not. I vote for who I believed in not who people said I should vote for because it would get rid of Obama. I saw Romney as a RINO he is as moderate as a Republican comes.
In the end people need to step up and make a difference whatever you believe in.