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Hello there.....

Who lives near you dear? Surely someone from here can bring you some meals. Where do you live?

:hug: Glad you are on the mend. My mom was in the hosp last year over the Thanksgiving week and she had PTSD-type symptoms like you did. Do you have someone to talk to?
:huggy: Sorry that you had to go through all of that. I hope you feel better quickly! Hugs and prayers!
Who lives near you dear? Surely someone from here can bring you some meals. Where do you live?

:hug: Glad you are on the mend. My mom was in the hosp last year over the Thanksgiving week and she had PTSD-type symptoms like you did. Do you have someone to talk to?
I know she lives in another state, not IL. But I can't remember which one maybe MIssouri??? I'm old I forget stuff :) Will certainly send a prayer or 3 your way
I'm sorry, I KNOW how bad it sucks to stay in the hospital! I will pray it gets better for you...don't beat yourself up about Christmas...it's not your fault!
Sending get well wishes. Hope tomorrow will be a better day. Take care.
Youre in my prayers, too!

Zofran is always in my house - and I also get the migraines from them. I take 800mg of ibuprofen when needed and use icy hot or active on (free from rr deals in the past) along my hairline. usually helps within 20 minutes. Hope you feel better fast!
I'm in tears reading everyone's responses. For a bunch of people that I don't even know IRL.....I feel like you all are my family and I truly don't know what I would do without CW and all of your support. I can't thank everyone enough for all of your kind words and prayers. Today is a little better, I just need to keep reminding myself to take things one day at a time. Thanks again everyone. :huggy:

I will most DEF. pray for God to reveal to you the issue with your body and to heal you.

Did they give you Zofran? It helps with nausea but the side affect is awful headaches. The drug is given to cancer patients and also pregnant women who experience horrible nausea. I have taken it with all 3 pregnancies. It works but there are side affects.

Prayer is your best case scenario as you know and I will life you up before our Lord.

hugs and God bless you and your family always!

They did give me Zofran. They also gave me Tygan, which is the one that I'm currently taking. It seems to agree with me a little better. They gave me Reglan in the hospital via IV and you would have thought they gave me a psychotic. One nurse told me they pushed it too fast and that's why I had such an awful reaction. I'm sure the Zofran was attributing to the headaches but they were also giving me Morphine and Dilaudid via IV so they were probably masking it. I feel like I've had so many drugs going through my system, that I would just like to wash them all out!

Who lives near you dear? Surely someone from here can bring you some meals. Where do you live?

:hug: Glad you are on the mend. My mom was in the hosp last year over the Thanksgiving week and she had PTSD-type symptoms like you did. Do you have someone to talk to?

You're so sweet Kathy - I live outside of St Louis. Fortunately I've had family members come down to help me since this all started. My Aunt left today, and my sister is coming down this afternoon. And they've all been cooking and leaving food for dh and the kids. As far as someone to talk to, my mom is a psychologist....so she seems to understand me more than anyone else. She has been my rock as of late and I don't know what we would have done without her. She is an absolute angel.
Sorry this has been a horrible time for you and glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Hope you continue to improve. Please don't be afraid to share how you're feeling, we're here to support and comfort you as we can.
I'm glad to hear you've got a good support team around you! :flowers:(well and us of course!)
I was just going to say that....very comforting to know that you are being taken care of.

Let your family do that for you and stop feeling guilty that this happended over Christmas....you can redo Christmas at any time!

Please keep us updated on how you are doing. I am so glad that your mother knew someone that pointed the hospital in the right direction....

I will not even get started on how I feel about hospitals.....but so glad that the blood patch worked...a spinal headache is the worst in the world!
So sorry for all that you've been going through. I will keep you in my prayers.
Thinking of you....... Hope that you are feeling better! :foryou:
Thinking and praying for healing for you! Don't stress about Christmas! I'm sure your family is so thankful that you are on the mend that it isn't even a blip on their radar! Take care of yourself and don't push too hard!
Please do not feel guilty ........... its not like you planned this.............. Just take things one day at a time and get better..................You can make up for the loss next christmas
Sure hope you are feeling better and are on the mend :flowers: