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My friend's band, Evil Jake, has been chosen to compete in the 2002 Jim Beam Rock Band Search, sponsored by Rolling Stone.

Please put in a vote for them using the link below, as they could really benefit from the exposure.


Just be sure to tell them you're at least 21 years old. :)

And this isn't some fly-by-night internet buddy of mine. This is a good friend of mine from high school.

You can vote once per week. Please support them as much as you can.
Done, and they are actually pretty good, i listened to that song they had up and was fairly impressed.
If you click on the band's photo, there are 3 songs available for download. They're all decent. :)

They also have a bunch more available on mp3.com, including live tracks. You can find the links on their website, www.eviljake.com.

But ... They are looking too asocially :(
Did they sing 'Itsy-Bitsy spider?'
Originally posted by lobo

But ... They are looking too asocially :(
Did they sing 'Itsy-Bitsy spider?'
Originally posted by spidergoolash
i like that guy's sideburns :D

Yup, that's my buddy Mike.
He didn't used to look like that at all back in high school.
He used to have long hair that he tied back into a pony tail. He used to tie it back so tight that if you looked at him from the front, it looked like he had his hair slicked like a Long Island guido. :lol:
Hey Dan, they sound a bit like a band that I love called the Mr. T Experience. Simular style, different, but simular . . . you should check them out.
Voted. They're kicking ****!!

I didn't listen to them of course because I've got my speakers plugged into my modem and turned off so that I can dial up whenever I want without getting told off by mum. :D
I thought this was against the rules of Soup to post sites?

I'll take a listen if it's ok
Originally posted by Lil' Mo
I thought this was against the rules of Soup to post sites?

I'll take a listen if it's ok

It's not my site, nor am I gaining any benefit from having people go there.
You can look at it that I'm posting a link to some decent music, and if you like the band, vote for them. ;)
Just thought I would mention that not only did they win the Jim Beam Rock Search, they are about to embark on their UK tour.

Details are at www.eviljake.com if you're in the UK and feel like checking them out.
That's very cool! Congratulations to them :D

I, unfortunately, won't be in the UK anytime soon, but I'm sure it's gonna be great!
Lysi> That's okay... this was basically posted for our UK Soupers, but you'll notice that when they get back, they play a slew of shows in NY. We should get together to catch one sometime. They're really good live. :)