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Hey Hey Kids!


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BizkitBabe in the h-iz-ouse! (No, I haven't gone ghetto whilst being an unactive Alien Soup member). I am as I've always been, w-e-i-r-d. :dork: Anyway, I only thought I'd "drop by" with a friendly hello :wave: and ask how in the hell everyone was doing?!?

Holla atcha girl! (That's Ypsian for "Let me know!")
BizkitBabe :naughty:
Hey Hey BizkitBabe! I didn't even know that you weren't around cause I haven't been around either!! Hehehe... Anyhooz... I'm just drawing blanks here in this little mind of mine (with the emphasis on LITTLE). Love ya babe... ttfn... and itz nice 2 c u back!!

Keep smilin' :D
YAY! She's still around!!!! Glad to hear from you, BB! :hug:
Ya noze dat I be...


Dunno why, but felt like popping out of the woodwork and say 'Hejsan!'.
Wow, she's alive. Nice to see you BB . . . now you must keep rollin rollin rollin right on in here more often.
Where ya been, BB?
We'd be the first to know if you'd been abducted. ;)

And you too, BRiT... it's like a reunion of long-lost Soupers in here today. :D
Now you guys quit disappearing on us and stick around, EH??? ;)
Yea man, this is my second post in months. I'm here too, but you know, with the way I acted, big deal right.
Anyways...I'm not around much anyways. I have much things to do (graduate, Drum Corps [will be gone for the WHOLE summer on tour around the country performing in marching corps], hanging out all the time) and no time for leisure a lot of times. But hey, I guess I'll just lay down a hay too...
*horses migrate my way*
wow this really is a soup reunion thread. Hey Nap.