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HMM... Since You're Not Using Your Discs Anymore..


Chief Talker
PF Member
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Bergen County, NJ
... I started thinking (and you know how dangerous THAT could be..:sqcool:)


I understand that 1:1 must be maintained for the U.S. based mfrs., and you need to hold on to those discs.

HOWEVER, I'm not so sure that you need to hang on to discs from overseas companies because:

1) Well heck, they're overseas! Why would anyone send investigators over here?

2) This is the serious one. Since licensing is different overseas, and their hosts are allowed to download, no 1:1 ratio is required or cared about. Those overseas hosts can run on nothing but downloads.

Also, I figure that defunct labels are defunct, and thus won't be going after anyone either.

My thought:

If anyone has ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS' DISCS ONLY that they will no longer use, I would be interested in the following labels:

DK - My number one favorite, I would even be interested if they are discs that I already have.

ZOOM - Platinum especially

LEGENDS - NOT Sunfly, but the Legends label

CAPITOL - Out of Australia, these folks have a lot of popular songs that no one else has.

I think GNOME is also overseas, and the few that I've heard were pretty darn good!

Please PM me a disc list ( I can get content off of the databases) if you want to rid yourselves of the horrible burden of your discs...

Again: *** Manufacturers' Orginal Discs ONLY**

There are a couple of problems with giving up the disc you are refering to!

1. If files corrupt (and they do) then you need the origional disc to replace them!

2. Just because a manu is based overseas doen't mean they can't hire a firm here in the U.S. to pursue piracy of their content! (I think once Sound Choice and other U.S. based companies like Stellar and Chartbuster are sucessful then we will see the same thing from Zoom, Sunfly and others as well!

3. You never know if someone has purchased the label to DK or any other defunct disc manus. So you would be dealing with the same thing (like Stellar owning the Top Hit's Monthly label now!

4. If something major happens and it reqiures everyone to run from disc if the computer KJ has sold off his or her disc and is running from a hard drive only they are completely screwed!
Thunder said:

There are a couple of problems with giving up the disc you are refering to!

1. If files corrupt (and they do) then you need the origional disc to replace them!

2. Just because a manu is based overseas doen't mean they can't hire a firm here in the U.S. to pursue piracy of their content! (I think once Sound Choice and other U.S. based companies like Stellar and Chartbuster are sucessful then we will see the same thing from Zoom, Sunfly and others as well!

3. You never know if someone has purchased the label to DK or any other defunct disc manus. So you would be dealing with the same thing (like Stellar owning the Top Hit's Monthly label now!

4. If something major happens and it reqiures everyone to run from disc if the computer KJ has sold off his or her disc and is running from a hard drive only they are completely screwed!

1) I certainly understand the need for backup, but everyone ( OK, a lot of the people here) say they back up to another HD. While I happen to agree with you that having the discs would be better, they seem comfy with the HD backup- who am I to argue?

2) Again, my understanding is that since overseas licensing is different, having HDs without discs doesn't matter- they are ALLOWED to work off of downloads there. Therefore, they have no expectations of 1:1, so would not be investigating it, or caring if a KJ has it. There is no REASON for SF, DK, ZOOM or others like them to want to investigate it. They don't CARE.

3) This IS a very good point, Steve, and I missed it. Good catch!

However, if it can be determined that Music Maestro has NOT been purchased, I would be interested in their Oldies stuff.

This actually brings another thought to mind. I have been trying to buy the 12 discs that Memorex put out. I have just one. They have no clinkers and sound better and richer by far than ANY other mfr. However, they stopped after 12 discs. While Memorex is still in business, they are out of karaoke track production. Since they only made 12 discs- and some time ago- I would THINK they would not have much interest in getting involved with the current mess.

I anyone has them, I'm also very interested.

4) I completely agree! Can I help it if most here don't believe it will happen? Besides, per a recent thread, many here say they would never go back. No reason I shouldn't benefit..:sqbiggrin::sqwink:

I don't even remember a memorex disc (which I guess also goes to the fact that i don't have any, but i do have 6 JVC disc!
Thunder said:

I don't even remember a memorex disc (which I guess also goes to the fact that i don't have any, but i do have 6 JVC disc!

The only one I have is MXUPH1, and it's awesome. I don't know if they are especially made for some purpose, but the tracks are simply unmatched elswhere. If you ever get the opportunity to hear - on disc, not MP3- just the opening bars of "At Last" your jaw will simply drop....just WOW.
I sold a good bit of my lesser not used karaoke a long time ago when people were using disc. Maybe 8 or so years now. Hard Drives were smaller then so a good bit of my old karaoke is ripped at 128Kbps. I'm in process of reripping everything at 320Kbpps. My stuff like Zoom, BL, Priddius and Pioneer that I no longer have the CD+G's will simply be removed from my books. I really don't think there are any songs in there I don't have on other manufactues.
Pop Hits Monthly says on their website that they made some karaoke songs for Memorex. Don't know which ones.

Karaoke.com has Memoriex Pop Hits 1, 2 and 3 on their $4 close-out sale right now. Don't know if they are the same series--Favorite Pop Hits--numbers are a bit different: MEMFP01, 02, 03. No "At Last." You can listen to snippets on the site, however.

My little $40 Memorex cube karaoke player finally gave out after 7 plus years of home use. That means it outlasted the Vocopro pro player by 7 plus years.
Overseas have different rules. For example, in the UK, to play from computer requires a special license. Same for some of the other countries throughout Europe.

Be careful what you wish for... those licenses are ANNUAL.
MusicMeister said:
Overseas have different rules. For example, in the UK, to play from computer requires a special license. Same for some of the other countries throughout Europe.

Be careful what you wish for... those licenses are ANNUAL.

While that's true a US KJ isn't going to be performing in the UK.... couple that with the licenses being meaningless in the US makes it a moot point.

On the other hand once the discs are on US soil and are being used in the US for commercial gains wouldn't the US copywright laws apply by default?

Since you aren't paying the UK licenses, that wouldn't extend to the US anyway, wouldn't the fact that, that license fee wasn't paid constitute a copyright violation at least in the country of origin since they don't have that fee to pay royalties to the US copyright owners?
jokerswild said:
While that's true a US KJ isn't going to be performing in the UK.... couple that with the licenses being meaningless in the US makes it a moot point.

On the other hand once the discs are on US soil and are being used in the US for commercial gains wouldn't the US copywright laws apply by default?

Since you aren't paying the UK licenses, that wouldn't extend to the US anyway, wouldn't the fact that, that license fee wasn't paid constitute a copyright violation at least in the country of origin since they don't have that fee to pay royalties to the US copyright owners?

Hey, don't start. I'm looking for some deals on discs. No hijacking please.

I can't believe I haven't seen a PM yet. What's up?
JoeChartreuse said:
Hey, don't start. I'm looking for some deals on discs. No hijacking please.

I can't believe I haven't seen a PM yet. What's up?

Would it surprise you if folks felt by selling off their original discs would feel wrong, if not illegal.

Right or wrong that's how I'd feel.

I have a full set of disc that I will send you right away and a good price too, I will sell you these disc for $0.10 per song now that is a deal and you buy the whole package!
Thunder said:

I have a full set of disc that I will send you right away and a good price too, I will sell you these disc for $0.10 per song now that is a deal and you buy the whole package!

I'll bite... how many songs?
LOL I thought it was going to be some astronomical number of songs..... what set is this?
jokerswild said:
LOL I thought it was going to be some astronomical number of songs..... what set is this?

:sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh: NuTech! :sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh: