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Holy crap! Did a piñata break!?


Chief Talker
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After lunch at school, I like to hang out on the first floor. I was pracically the only one up there. Well, I got the honor of being the only one to witness one of the craziest things I've seen happen in this school yet....

Like i said, I ws hanging out on the first floor, in hopes of finding friends and whonot to talk to, but I was the only one up there. Well, that is with the excpeption of these two guys who were the doers of the incident.
So, there's this entryway-type place that includes the math wing and the music wing, so you could see into the math wing, and the bench that is close to the music wing down by the end of the math section.... nuff of that, here's what happened....
Standing on the big bench attached to the wall were these two boys, one of which was messing around with the cieling (it can come off the rafters if you force it enough) When I so happened to be walking by, one part of the cieling fell of, and there were candy wrappers that fell all over the place!!!! Seeing this, I immediately started cracking up at the sight of the cieling part falling and wrappers all over. Needless to say, the boys left the area really quick after they heard me laugh. I decided to check out the damage that one kid had done, so being the only one up there, I walked over, and it litterally looked like a piñata broke! There were candy wrappers strewn on the floor, and there was part of the cieling left on the bench! Man, I nearly died when I saw that cieling fall!!! :lol: Of course I left the area quickly, just incase a teacher saw me standing there and blaming me for it, then I went back down to the caf to tell my friends this amusing story. I was the ONLY one who had the honor of witnessing it!! :rotflmao:
Man, nothing like that ever happened at my school, your stories of school almost make me want to go back to school
Yeah, it also made a really loud noise, too! :lol:
If there had been actual CANDY in the wrappers, this would have been a really heart-warming tale of triumph! :snack:
LOL! if there were candy in the wrappers, I would've grabbed any type of candy that I like! :D