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Originally posted by falsharm
Remember, every one is equal, only some people are more equal than others. I think a few people in here would agree with that.

Thats so true, and so sad. Why must the world suck? :(
Originally posted by falsharm
This forum should focus more on the equality of people, and how gay people are often not allowed even the same measure of respect shown to other minorities.

Then work by Navy standards - Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
I hate I missed the whole conversation. ****. I gotto start vistining here more.

People got werid after I left, (back! by the way, probably just shot yourself because of that, lol!) I don't see how I was rude before, I just said, "still gay?." I was just asking sarcastly whether he was still gay, like I know his gay and he his defending all the gay people so it would be stupid for him to suddenly become straight, soooooooooooooo it was a sarcastic JOKE!

(*mumble*losers can't take a dumb joke*mumble* all of em are probably gay and trying to make me gay*mumble* mumble*probably trying to come on to me, I should run, there coming after me!!! ahhh!!! *mumble*

lol, j/k THAT WAS A J-O-K-E you know ha ha ha, lol, just laugh for once.
Everyone has got so caught up in this debate, your either for **** and everyone likes you or your aganist it and think its wrong and everyone hates you, or your not gay but your not going to say if you have a problem with it or not, cause you think people are TOO SENESTIVE, well I'm sick of the senesetive people, I've said it time and time again, its wrong, not common sense, a sin, disgusting, brings more hate in the world.

No matter what your stance, deep down and inside of you, you know its wrong and if you could take the people who are gay and make them un-gay you would want to, unless your one of those girls who like to have gay male friends to talk to.


don't bash me for that comment, you hateful people of hate and name brand hate boots and hating shirts with your hate hats and such.

LOL, fun-ny.
Oh come on, sorry to be such a sickly sweet hippy (thats what the weed and trance 'll do to you). Love is not a disease or ailment. Not a disorder. Honmosexuality is just another way of sharing the love. No. I'm not gay. In fact, I'm a Boy Scout. But, I am a unitarian an a proud member of the Messianic Revolution.
buster, i think your definition of "funny" and "joke" differs from a lot of other people. try to respect other people and their opinions
um buster... people that make jokes a lot, especially jokes that AREN"T FUNNY, tend to be insecure with themselves. I am straight. I would much rather be a secure gay person than an stright one who is insecure with themselves. Perhaps we are insecure with our sexuality buster?
Let this be a prediction, but I bet it will be "in" to be gay, one day in the near future....

(not that I'm necessairly looking forward to this)
BRO I totally understand what you mean, there are too many gay people.


But anyway in response to gina and Istaboli, I'm not insure or low in confidence or whatever you said I am, I just like to be humerious, its fun..........for some people as I see.

But anyway with all the debateing and arguements I've sensed that people have started to think I don't respect people who are gay or I hate them and all that. Well I don't, I still see them as people, there still part of the human race, equal to me in every way. I don't hate them, just the life style they've choose.
Like some people say "don't hate the player, hate the game."

But just to clarify I don't hate you homesexuals out there your still God's children and my brothers and sisters. Just....................................................GIRLS ARE SO MUCH HOTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................ok I should'nt of said that, sorry for that, your all cool! ROCK ON!
Thanks for your input, I will file that away in my useless comments section.
Originally posted by Buster
Thanks for your input, I will file that away in my useless comments section.

Sad part is that it is true, and many other people here see it. You make horrible comments, and you make more "useless comments" than any of us.. :sidestare Never say that I do, because you do it real bad.
^Who are you, I don't recognize your name from anywhere. Not to go off topic or anything, but I don't know who you are, yet you have many posts and seemed to be well established at these forums. Did you change your name or something recently.....

On your opinion that I make useless posts, I can admit that I do, but I can also admit that I make posts that are a hundred times more direct and thought provoking of the topic of the thread than some of other members here do.

Just understand this, you telling me that my post was useless has not purpose. I mean if other people have told me this and have seen it (as you said) than how does you re-affirming it help anything. It in fact is "useless."

(^ now that is useless, LOL)

(yea it is...)
(shut up buster.....)
(WHY DO YOU ALWAYS COME AND RUIN MY POSTS!!......YOU.....voice thing that always appears some how)
Originally posted by Buster
^Who are you, I don't recognize your name from anywhere. Not to go off topic or anything, but I don't know who you are, yet you have many posts and seemed to be well established at these forums. Did you change your name or something recently.....

On your opinion that I make useless posts, I can admit that I do, but I can also admit that I make posts that are a hundred times more direct and thought provoking of the topic of the thread than some of other members here do.

Just understand this, you telling me that my post was useless has not purpose. I mean if other people have told me this and have seen it (as you said) than how does you re-affirming it help anything. It in fact is "useless."

(^ now that is useless, LOL)

(yea it is...)
(shut up buster.....)
(WHY DO YOU ALWAYS COME AND RUIN MY POSTS!!......YOU.....voice thing that always appears some how)

I think his name used to be xZQueenNachoZx or something similiar to that. He lost his kindgdom though.

Buster... "kill" the "voice".
Originally posted by Buster
^Who are you, I don't recognize your name from anywhere. Not to go off topic or anything, but I don't know who you are, yet you have many posts and seemed to be well established at these forums. Did you change your name or something recently.....

On your opinion that I make useless posts, I can admit that I do, but I can also admit that I make posts that are a hundred times more direct and thought provoking of the topic of the thread than some of other members here do.

Just understand this, you telling me that my post was useless has not purpose. I mean if other people have told me this and have seen it (as you said) than how does you re-affirming it help anything. It in fact is "useless."

(^ now that is useless, LOL)

(yea it is...)
(shut up buster.....)
(WHY DO YOU ALWAYS COME AND RUIN MY POSTS!!......YOU.....voice thing that always appears some how)

I am XxQuEeNzNaZcHoxX. Buster, look @ the ending of this post. It is kinda silly...
Oh its you.........oh ok, now everything makes.........no real sense at all.

But Scat I will do my best to do what you said and kill the voice, but this mother is a strong one!

Ok, now back to the topic of homosexuals...................

-"its stupid"
*"no there born with it"
-"its genetic"
*"homosexuality is religiously wrong"
-"depends on your religion"
*"straight people are the norm"

<<out of now where falsharm makes a really long post and tells everyone there wrong and his right>>

-"so........homo's are stupid"
*"no there born with it!"

<<what a wonderful thread>>
No................you don't get my jokes, or you read them to fast to catch the humor and sacasm.

I'm pointing out how this thread doesn;t really progress with new thoughts and arguments. Everything has been said already and we either go off on a tangent (attacking me) or just keep re-circulating the same issues about homosexuality.

We need some noobs to start posting on this thread and tell us what they think.