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Sorry everyone, I tried to stay away. I really did.

Let me put the points out there for everyone to see.

-There has been absolutely nothing to confirm whether homosexuality is caused by genetics or social pressures. Anyone who absolutely insists one over the other has been spoon-fed an answer and hasn't looked at the information available.

-Regardless of whether it is a choice (social pressures) or is genetic, there is absolutely no reason for gay people to be treated as second-class citizens. Apparently being gay makes it ok to be spit on, beat up, and killed. There has never been a time, biblically or otherwise, when people were ever given the right to punish other people. I say biblically because the Judeo-Christian-Islamic god has always reserved that right for himself.

-Since you bring up the bible again, Buster, perhaps you should be clearing the board from your eye before pointing out the slivers in other people's. I only hope that you realize what you are saying before you get your **** kicked for it.

What saddens me is that a lot of the posts on here have condoned harassment of homosexual people based on actions. If a person acts "gay" then it is ok to make fun of them because of it. This idea makes me sick. It tells me that some people still find it ok to treat others as sub-human because they think they have the right to.

Also, if we were to treat social norms as the correct way to go, and anyone not complying with those social norms should be treated as second-class citizens, then anyone who has had at least one divorce should be shunned. People who don't drink colas are dispicable, anyone who hasn't graduated from high school is trash. Anyone who doesn't measure up to the correct shade of white should go get their skin bleached or be ostracized (wait, the U.S. already tried that one and is still feeling the backlash). See how dangerous that idea is?

What this forum has demonstrated to me is the fear and inability or straight male America to let go of it's definition of masculinity, and the inherent "correctness" attributed to masculinity, to allow people to be who they are. If men could do that this country would be a much nicer place to live.

P.S. MB90078 - I certainly hope that being gay goes out of style soon. The stereotypes that are perveyed are more destructive then helpful in getting people to understand what is going on.
................Oh Great Falsharm, you have come back with your long posts and homosexualness. "How have you been, been a long time, still..........(not doing that again, lol)"

Anyway, pretty much everything you said I agree with (treating **** equally, no one should shun someone because their different, all that).

The only thing that I have to argue or debate in this thread or my standpoint basically is the religious one. I believe in Jesus Christ as God. And I believe there are no other gods in the world.

That does not mean I think every one who believes in other religions are wrong, every religion says the same things (no murdering, be a good person all that crap). I believe the only part they have wrong is the actual belief itself. The part with the relationship with the god. (If you can understand that, good, if not don't worry about it)

I am trying to say, In my religion (believing in Jesus Christ as my savior)........ HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN. SO THEREFORE IS NOT TO BE PRACTICED.


I also believe in relation to how homosexuality got started is that humans got curious.....And it happened. And later through out history it has been becoming more and more prevalent so people with stresses in their life have switched over. And now days there are so many gay people that its just become something different that people do and it will soon enough become a normal thing for half your friends to be gay and the other be straight. (I don't welcome it, but I will not judge the people practicing it)

-There it is, my standpoint.
I also believe in relation to how homosexuality got started is that humans got curious.....And it happened. And later through out history it has been becoming more and more prevalent so people with stresses in their life have switched over. And now days there are so many gay people that its just become something different that people do and it will soon enough become a normal thing for half your friends to be gay and the other be straight. (I don't welcome it, but I will not judge the people practicing it)

That's not a bad theory, may I remind you that it hasn't been proven if homosexuality is a social or genetic cause. Also, there are sometimes homosexual creatures in other species, it does not only occcur in humans. So it won't be easy to explain why creatures in other species are homosexual, when it's certainly not because they're curious.
Buster, it's great that you think you don't treat gay people differently. I say that because if you don't think you treat them differently then you are trying not to (I hope). Unfortunately with your attitudes and positions in here you have demonstrated quite the opposite.

Just remember, there is nothing so demeaning as the look in a Christian's eye when they tell you "I love the sinner, but hate the sin." What a load of bull. Christian's can't tolerate it, they are told not to by those who "preach the gospel" because they are told it's a sin and that they have to seperate themselves from all sin. Christians can't get away from it, and the hypocracy that follows make me sick.
Hey! The thing about it being a genetic defect may actually be true. New research shows that there is a link between your sexuality and your eyes and the way the change to light. I don't have the link to the news article, but when I find it, I'll post it.
Originally posted by falsharm
Just remember, there is nothing so demeaning as the look in a Christian's eye when they tell you "I love the sinner, but hate the sin." What a load of bull. Christian's can't tolerate it, they are told not to by those who "preach the gospel" because they are told it's a sin and that they have to seperate themselves from all sin. Christians can't get away from it, and the hypocracy that follows make me sick.

I apologize if I'm getting off the subject, but when you talked about seperation from sin, I believe that was a bit misleading. Christians are against sodomy, so says the Word of the Bible, that it's an "abomination". If you seperate yourself from sin, you are seperating yourself from sodomy. That doesn't really mean to me that you seperate yourself from A homosexual person. Although who you spend your time with tends to have a direct effect on your character and emotions, I don't believe it was ever taught that it was sinful to not seperate yourself from another sinner. We all sin; whether one believes homosexuality is sinful or not, we all sin.

Plus, what you are talking about might happen to be analogous with certain Christian doctrines, not necessarily all of them.
Hey, Jethro, you should send that to me.

Ziroi, You are right, I gota little carried away. The thing is that usually you get the look like you've killed someone. Actually it's a little more like when someone is convicted of child molestation (which is stereotypically done by the gay male)and then released. The neighborhood doesn't necessarily forgive the molester, even though God may have already forgiven him. In fact, they are required to register with the state. This is the kind of separation of sin from the sinner that happens with gay people. Don't believe me? Tell your parents you're gay.

Also, unfortunately there are a billion different sects of Christianity and each of them seem to tell a different story. What I wish is that people had an argument that was religiously derived that would hold any kind of water. Religious arguments, for me, all all moot for the simple fact that every major religion can't even agree on what it's trying to say. I wish it were different, but I just don't see it ever getting there.
......So falsham is gay! I didn't know that!!!!!!!

HOLD CRAP!!!! So how does it feel to be gay!?!?!?

lol, kidding, it was a joke, don't take it personally, come one, why are you looking at me like that?, hey take your hands off me, hey!, don't!!!.........<<*Buster is thrown into flaming pile of PS2's* (don't ask why)>>
i have no problem with **** as i have a brother that is gay..and he is still my brother and thats how i well treat him..
With all this news about gay marriage.
then i would have to look it up in the webster dictionary

for people that dont read the second version
the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage