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Hopes high sick beluga gets well soon

I really like my pets, but other than them I wouldn't run my car into a ditch for a animal. By all means though if I see one on the road I go around it.
Yeah well not everyone does that... you hear those matcho men talking sometimes... I saw that porcupine on the road the other night and Just f'n drove right over it...
That bothers me, it gets under my skin... I wish I could drive over them... believe me!
Thats not right, I seen cats that got ran over because people speed down streets. Its sickening.
Man Chris, what's up with that... I seem to agree with you an awful lot lately!!! :p ;)
There are more animals than people I would rather see spared a gruesome kill.
Yea lots of people I would like to see become one with the road. :tongue3:
Most mass murderers have one thing in common. They all were cruel to animals!
Yeah if only someone could of found that out before it was too late, might of been able to get them the help they so desperately needed and saved the lives of thousands of ppl.
I guess we can't really call that help now can we... lol
I am not saying its impossible just saying it would take awhile. Sometimes its caused by environment the person is in.
Yeah I know what your saying and I have to agree somewhat with that!
Its a long road and the person needs support, it is possible though.