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HOT OFF THE PRESS (you heard it first here, from KNS)


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Jesse Jackson has fathered a child out of wedlock with his mistress. He then paid the woman $40,000 to relocate to Los Angeles where she now lives in a $365,000 mansion and receives a $10,000 a month check from Jackson. This woman was a former staffer of Jackson's rainbow coalition. The then pregnant women was brought by Jackson to a meeting in the Oval Office during the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The National Enquirer has obtained a photo of Jackson, the women, rainbow coalition staffers and President Clinton all smiling in the Oval Office. During the
time of the pregnancy Jackson scolded the President on infidelity (can you say HIPOCRISY). The Enquirer will have the full story in their Jan 30th edition. The New York Post is currently making brand new front pages to smack this story on the front page. This info was obtained on the drudgereport.com website. For those of you who believe this is not true due to the involvement of the Enquirer, Matt Drudge was the first to leak the Lewinsky scandal and we all know that was
100% True.

En fuego, bebe.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by KNSinatra on January 18, 2001 at 12:16 AM]</font>
All I can say is eeek.

"I might need you to hold me tonight.
I might need you to say it's alright." - Savage Garden
What if we believe it's not true due to the involvement NOT of the Enquirer, but of Drudge?

And maybe it's not hypocrisy - maybe it was words of wisdom from someone who had "been there, done that". Let's not be so quick to judge this guy - after all, he did apparently (if this is true) pay what is tantamount to child support, and a hefty sum at that - there are many, MANY "fathers" out there who don't give one dime to their children or their children's parent.

My two questions that follow from hearing about this are:

1) After the horrific election debacle we've all suffered through, is this the time to start name-calling, or should we bear down and try to put partisan politics behind us?

2) Why is it that Clinton's and Jackson's private lives are to be investigated and put on front-page headlines, whereas when someone attempts to discuss Bush's private life (e.g. a drunk-driving incident) the public is told "what's private is private" and "people make mistakes in their past, forgive and forget"?

Another of Poss' reasons to not trust the Establishment™.

My knob tastes funny.
Oh, let the girl gossip every once in a while -- I didn't assume that posting this in our forums was going to inflame riots or mass protests, just a little let's-see-if-my-prediciton-comes-true gloating.

But to respond to some remarks...

There's a difference between paying child support, and using your wealth to bribe someone to keep silent. The money is most certainly not aimed at helping this child, but rather, towards sustaining his image, and ensuring silence.

En fuego, bebe.
Well hell, if you're gonna gossip about one public figure, you might as well gossip about them all..

And I have to say that as a Democrat, especially one from Illinois, I am frequently embarrassed by Jesse Jackson.
KNS I wouldnt concider this either a riot or a mass protest.

Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd
No, Prox- neither would I -- I was just saying that I don't post things like this with ulterior motives. Just a bit of harmless gossip

En fuego, bebe.
<FONT COLOR="Red">Text</FONT c>
Okies so how about this One...
Leave the Politics For the Politicians....

/me waits for his AR$$$ to be kicked...


And some-how bored outta my mind......

Calm-ness - Does it bring beauty or a carpet of death apon its wings of mist....
Knowledge - Is it the Light You See before You Die ??
Poss has a good point which I really agree with (see avatar and sig). I honestly dont care if jesse jackson has 10 kids. But hey havnt we come to expect stuff like this from everyone involved in politics (except our politicians of corse)

Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd
Dont worry about it, it was about 1:30 in the mornin
and I was Bored outta my mind and yeah well....

i really can't forgive and forgive for Clinton or Jackson.. both are prominent people.. they are on international tv like at least once every week.. do we want these two to represent the USA?

you guys might think that no.. people outside the US don't stereotype the US just by these two guys.. but you're wrong.. we're stereotyped everywhere from Asia to Africa.. Usually they think that the USA is full of loose women and men.. they get this ideas from movies from hollywood.. Clinton and Jackson only reinforces these stereotypes..

Also.. both were suppose to be role model for children..

what pisses me off the most is that Jackson is an ordained minister.. and needs to be reprimanded.. i think he's in the Baptist church.. not sure.. this goes across the board too.. i hold all religious figurers with the highest respect.. and when they do something inmoral.. it really hurts me and my faith..
I think that it's terribly sad that our citizenry has so little faith and pride in their leaders, that they don't even hold them to certain standards during their stays in their political carreers/offices. Leaders like this function to reinforce this sentiment of apathy toward the behavior of leadership, as they act like this while wielding the power that they do. Jackson is always the first to criticize anyone about anything, which makes me scoff at how typical his efforts at hush-hush keeping is. I accept fault in any human being -- its the concerted effort and maintaining secrecy to save their...*tails*, that makes me sick.

En fuego, bebe.
Originally posted by KNSinatra:
I think that it's terribly sad that our citizenry has so little faith and pride in their leaders, that they don't even hold them to certain standards during their stays in their political carreers/offices. Leaders like this function to reinforce this sentiment of apathy toward the behavior of leadership, as they act like this while wielding the power that they do. Jackson is always the first to criticize anyone about anything, which makes me scoff at how typical his efforts at hush-hush keeping is. I accept fault in any human being -- its the concerted effort and maintaining secrecy to save their...*tails*, that makes me sick.

What's interesting is how so many people equate "moral sexual behavior" with one's ability to govern rightly and justly. The argument seems to be, if one can't hold oneself to "correct" sexual standards, then it follows that their political standards are also circumspect (i.e. if Clinton can be deceitful to the US about Lewinsky, he can be deceitful to the US about, say, relations with China). The corollary to this seems to be, if you do uphold and maintain certain sexual moral practices, then of course your political actions will be good and just.

Taking a look at Bush's cabinet nominations:

Ashcroft, as a Senator:
- Against abortion rights
- Believes homosexuality is a sin
- Against affirmative action
- Has opposed increases in the minimum wage
- Opposed a law on child-safety gun trigger locks
- Opposed a ban on assault weapons
As a Governor:
- Told S.C. magazine Southern Partisan that "we should all do more" to promote the Confederacy's legacy
- Accepted an honorary degree from Bob Jones University
- Fought a voluntary desegregation plan for St. Louis schools
Other items of note:
- Slandered Missouri Supreme Court Justice Ronnie White during his nomination to a federal judgeship, calling him "the most anti-death-penalty judge on the Missouri Supreme Court", when in fact, White voted to uphold death sentences in 41 out of 59 cases brought before him - indeed, three judges appointed by Ashcroft himself voted to reverse the death penalty a greater number of times than did White.
- in 1981 as Missouri Attorney General, testified in Congress to support a bill that would've let states prosecute abortion providers for murder
- in 1995, 97, and 99, co-sponsored legislation to make performing abortions a criminal act
- has pushed for an amendment to the Constitution that would ban abortions even in the case of rape, incest, and potential injury to the mother (the amendment may have made even the pill and the IUD illegal as they sometimes induce abortions)

- nominated to be Secretary of the Department of Energy
- sponsored a bill in 1999 (his third attempt) to eliminate the Department of Energy

- accepted large speaking fee from the deputy prime minister of Lebanon one week before the Bush election
- ordered to investigate allegations that US soldiers tortured prisoners & killed civilians in Vietnam in 1968; Powell's report painted a generally rosy picture of the situation, conveniently avoiding the My Lai Massacre of March 16, 1968, where US troops killed approximately 400 civilians
- a chief advocate of the Reagan-era Nicaraguan Contras, who have been involved in many civil rights abuses (in fact, a professor of mine from college knew some of the nuns who were raped and murdered by the Contras in the 80's)
- has lied under oath to congressional investigators: in 1987's Iran-Contra hearings, was asked if Caspar Weinberger kept a diary, to which Powell said under oath "The secretary yo my knowledge did not keep a diary"; yet in a 1991 statement, Powell admitted that he knew Weinberger kept daily notes on a pad, which "I viewed it as his personal diary"
- found guilty in 1992 by the International War Crimes Tribunal of crimes in connection with the Persian Gulf war (along with **** Cheney and George H. Bush as well) for crimes such as: indiscriminate bombing throughout Iraq; destruction of civilian schools, hospitals, and mosques; and depriving civilians of essential food, water, and medicine

But hey, none of these people have had an extra-marital affair, so they must be okay.

Prox: in response to your signature: No.

My knob tastes funny.
Eeeek. That's pretty **** scary, poss.

"I might need you to hold me tonight.
I might need you to say it's alright." - Savage Garden
I'm not of the opinion that everybody who has either fought, or led troops in a war, is a "war criminal", so I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you, Poss.

En fuego, bebe.
I understand that, KNS...and while my personal beliefs may be that war in any way, shape, or form is unjustifiable, my opinion was not what I posted - what I posted was that an International War Crimes Tribunal, made up of 22 individuals from differing countries, on Feb. 29, 1992, found him (and others) to be a war criminal. Jus a quick search on Altavista or some other search engine will give a run-down.

*edit* Here's an example, for those who want to check it out -- http://infoshop.org/library/wc-index.htm

My knob tastes funny.
It looks like the Reverend isn't going to lead the protest/rally tomorrow.

I'd like to say that this will be the end of it for this race baiter, but it won't be. He got away with calling Jews "hymie" and New York City as "Hymietown." I'm sure he'll get away with this one.

Jim Lewis
FrappyDoo! Forums
Unfortunatley, James, I agree with you. There is an amazing amount of people that refuse to change their opinions of certain individuals regardless of any of their actions -- no matter how heinous those actions are. If Jackson was found guilty of a serious crime, it's doubtful even then that his support base would waver.

En fuego, bebe.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by KNSinatra on January 19, 2001 at 05:04 PM]</font>
Jesse Jackson has done so much for the poor of the US, and social causes all over the world, and yet he's being jumped all over because he had an affair. Wow. Who cares. People have affairs. That's between them and the others involved, not the world. Reverends have affairs too. Does it make front page news? Nope.

While it was wrong of him to criticise Clinton when he was doing it himself, it's still absolutely none of our business.

"I might need you to hold me tonight.
I might need you to say it's alright." - Savage Garden