HOT OFF THE PRESS (you heard it first here, from KNS)

What Jackson does a good job of in the US, is making sure that African Americans never look past seeing themselves as an oppressed minority, and ensuring a victim status for everyone of his race. I resent people who try to assimilate everyone of some "type" into a sort of interest group based on one characteristic of their persona, rather than their extent of their character or self-worth as an indidivual. He's very adept at ensuring that racial stife will never be quelled, and is very good at instigating flights. Once I started to study his motives and actions closely over the past years, I've come to see him as a racist, a sexist, and an anti-semite.

En fuego, bebe.
oh.. i just think he does it for the attention...

Advancing/helping his cause comes in at a distant 2nd

and what i don't understand is that it seems like he only speaks about discrimination about blacks.. he doesn't take the time to argue for the other minorities at all.

*sigh* i need to add a disclaimer in my sig..

e.g. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed by this mod represents only his own and not those of

What I want to know is how jesse jackson has been using his tax exempt money! He wont turn over his books to the public to let us see.
Jesse is a hypocrit and any one that follows him now as a spiritual leader is a moron! He is a racial-ambulance chasing demogouge(sp?).

System.out.println("Signature coming soon");