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How Do You Like Your Nails?


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My nails have always grown pretty quickly, so I tend to paint them myself and do not bother ruining them by getting acrylics.
They are pretty strong too, so they last until I choose to cut them off or catch them on something.
I can't paint the whole lot, however - as I really dislike the look of them. I tend to just paint the tips.


The empty cola bottle is for effect. ;)
Luckily I never got into that habit. I don't really chew/bite anything, though.
Hmmm....Like [MENTION=2]Lauren[/MENTION] I used to be probably the biggest nail biter ever, but over the past four/five years I have taken much more care of them...So you see Lauren there is hope!!

Nowadays I tend to have regular manicures (and sometimes pedicures as well) not having my nails too long, and only ever using a clear varnish.

I do however on odd occasions (perhaps when going on holiday) paint my toenails.
Never bitten my nails so they're really strong :) I sometimes paint like the main bit a pale colour and leave the tips if that makes sense... opposite to yours basically
I actually grew mine long once but they were inconvenient for me as when coming to take out my contact lens I poked myself in the eye and lost the lens in my eye.
Yeah it's bad when they're too long because you just end up hurting yourself or ripping up your clothes n stuff D:
I actually grew mine long once but they were inconvenient for me as when coming to take out my contact lens I poked myself in the eye and lost the lens in my eye.

I've gotten pretty used to long nails, since I have them so very often. I remember putting white contacts in for halloween before and I found it generally easy, taking them out was a bit more difficult, but it's not an everyday or usual thing and I was pretty careful when I did as I didn't want to scratch my eye. The only problem I have with them is keeping them even as they grow, and I have wonky looking fingers, so it's pretty difficult to judge haha.
I bite/pick at my nails all the time, so mine are terrible. Gonna try and grow them out a bit and keep them a reasonable length.~
I never really paint my nails, my hands are always too unsteady and more of the nail varnish goes on my fingers than my nails :p
Well, my nails grow super quick as of lately (no I'm not preggers), but I like to paint them myself. Sometimes, I like to do a mother daughter day, or sister day with my teenage sister and we go to a salon for manicures and pedicures. I prefer those as I don't usually have the time or patience to do it myself, plus going to the salon is super relaxing.