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How Do You Revise?


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Some people have exams this year, other people have already got their exams over and done with, but either way how do/did you revise for them?
I tend to put some music on and read through things/write down important points. I try to keep it as relaxed as possible, even though I'm pretty anxious about exams this year.
I can't seem to concentrate for long, so I take short breaks every 30 minutes or so.

I sometimes put up sticky-notes around my room as reminders of facts and definitions I need to know :rolleyes:
Seeing them regularly helps me remember
I have five A level exams coming up and I'm scared because I get so much work nowadays, I'm much too shattered to even think about revising. Like I do work at school, come home from school only to do more work and by the time that's done, do I really feel like revising? My brain is then dead and I feel severely lacking in "me" or "Kirk" or "family" time. It's honestly, in my opinion, ridiculous that we're given so much work to do right before exams. I understand if it's coursework with a deadline, but essay's for the sake of it and practice?
Do they want me to write a well practiced, nicely structured essay about nothing or a bit of a disorganized one which will actually get me marks because I had time to revise? My history teacher does this. Makes us write essays for practice with an essay plan he made with all the answers there, just so we can structure properly. He doesn't seem to care that I know nothing about the actual topic when it's a essay based exam. I am screwed.

As for revision when I get time? I can't be bothered with mind maps etc so I basically highlight the worksheet and do lots and lots of annotations, notes and chronological flash cards of events or information regarding the exam framework.
I know the feeling. The amount of work my college leaves for us to do at the end of the year is ridiculous.
My lecturers leave all the reports that need doing and re-sits for tests and stuff we've failed until the end of the year, which just adds more pressure on top of exams.
They also say we're meant to do three hours of each main subject every day. They honestly don't have a clue how little time that leaves for anything else, and how impossible it is to achieve that.

I'm trying to get as much revision done over this weekend/bank holiday as possible, since I have Tuesday off as well.
I didn't revise at all throughout secondary school and applied the same effort to A-levels which bit me in the **** as I failed half of my subjects in the first year (yeah I'm an idiot). As I'd never revised before I wasn't really sure how to go about doing it but I've just been reading through revision guides taking notes and answering the questions, then doing past papers and reviewing what I get wrong and looking at how it should be done. This has been working for me. I do have an awful attention span and tend to procrastinate a lot so I constantly need to tell myself that I need to revise or else I won't be able to get to where I want to in life.
I didn't really tend to revise. I kept telling myself "I'll revise tomorrow!" but unfortunately I could never really be bothered to.
When I did (rarely) decide to revise though, I'd just read from text books and rewrite whatever I thought would be important. Then I'd look through past exam papers and try to answer as many questions as I could and then revise the questions that I wasn't quite sure on. I'd get pretty stressed out while revising though and give up.

I somehow managed to do well on my exams but I definitely wouldn't recommend not revising. :rolleyes:
I simply go over notes I've been handed, pay a lot of attention in class and go over whatever it is in my head repeatedly until I can explain the whole process. I also like to listen to music I adore, and using things I enjoy a great deal to help me remember things. Like, if I want to remember certain processes, I'll link it to let's say... Homestuck and remember it that way, or coming up with simple yet silly phrases to remember them. Examples being, Let's Eat Jello being Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches as the order they go in.
I didnt revise played video games instead XD, who knows how i came out with mostly c's and 2 b's. However it bit me in the bum when it came to as
I usually read my notes and make side notes to help me remember some stuff. I also find that explaining to someone what I'm trying to remember or study for really helps me retain and remember the information. It also helps me to study and read out loud because I tend to remember things if I hear it and see it. That's how I revise =)