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How do you think about Kindle?


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I want to ask your opinion about Kindle.

Probably among all of you there who already use the Kindle. So I want to ask how the opinions all of you about the Kindle. I want to buy it.

I want to buy this Kindle :
Kindle 3G, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology - includes Special Offers & Sponsored Screensavers
The Kindle is awesome, it's light weight and you can have so many books on it.
StevenF50 said:
The Kindle is awesome, it's light weight and you can have so many books on it.

How about the features? Is Kindle can use as mobile phone to call someone?
No, it's like a portable libary, not a tablet.
What is the difference in cost between Kindle and any tablet, say Galaxy Tab in your country? It might be a lot, but it is worth investing, as it will be an all entertainment device for you, rather than a black-white device with occasional ghosting problems and lack of native support for even formats like PDF, DOC etc.
Just my 2 cents.
Holder opens Civil Rights investigation on Zimmerman again.

Well the DOJ is opening up another Civil Rights investigation on Zimmerman. Though I will not go as far as saying it is bogus as the article does I will say I do disagree with it.
Though I don't agree with the verdict. I will also say i never agreed with the severity of the charge the Prosecution gave him.
I do have to say though this investigation by the DOJ is overkill. Though I may not agree he was found not guilty and we need to move on.

From what I've heard... The question is if Trayvon's civil rights were violated.

Is it not ok to go to the store to buy a snack with the expectation that you can walk home without being shot in the heart by some one who followed and stalked you?
barbarap said:
From what I've heard... The question is if Trayvon's civil rights were violated.

Is it not ok to go to the store to buy a snack with the expectation that you can walk home without being shot in the heart by some one who followed and stalked you?
They can't prove his civil rights were violated. That is a impossible task. In that case it is possible both of them violated each others civil rights.
It makes no difference at this point who did what first both in the end were wrong. Martin could have just been passive not put up a fight. As well as Zimmerman waiting for the police to arrive.
To prove his rights are violated you can't do unless you know the whole story which you don't. So to even try to investigate this is a waste of time and tax payer money. You need the whole story from both sides in order to prove that. Unfortunately one side is dead so the whole story is never going to be known.
Friends of Martin are going to be biased and make sure he looks like the victim when in fact they don't know. I mean people in the Neighborhood testimony is fruitless because most by this time have forgot details or altered details, and in the end not one of them was standing five feet away watching this. Most were a good distance away and are not 200 percent sure what happened and those that say they are are full of it.
His civil rights may or may not have been violated but we will never know and neither will the DOJ. Had he been convicted I wonder if this investigation would have taken place. I would have to say I think it probably wouldn't have.