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How fast can you type?

Words per minute (WPM) 81
Keystrokes 416
(406 | 10)
Correct words 71
Wrong words 2
You are better than 94.12% of all users (position 6490 of 110381 - last 24 hours)

Words per minute (WPM) 61
Keystrokes 324
(303 | 21)
Correct words 55
Wrong words 4
You are better than 84.71% of all users (position 16876 of 110371 - last 24 hours)

I like to think that being Portuguese and my keyboard being **** crippled me a little.
Words per minute (WPM) 81
Keystrokes 416
(406 | 10)
Correct words 71
Wrong words 2
You are better than 94.12% of all users (position 6490 of 110381 - last 24 hours)


I don't understand because I just got 80 wpm but I had 75 correct words, 3 wrong and 417 key strokes. :o_O:
:eek:mg: I just found a glitch :lol:

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Would have been eaisier if my 's' key wasn't so broken and didn't slide around XD

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but i am dyslexic and my mother tongue isnt english. i write a lot faster if i dont look at the screen

Words per minute (WPM) 75
Keystrokes 384
(374 | 10)
Correct words 71
Wrong words 2
You are better than 91.64% of all users (position 9087 of 108642 - last 24 hours)

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around this... but this isn't even portuguses from portugal so i mispelled a lot.. plus we have accents which makes typing slower.
True story... I'd be worse if we were swedish though XD

and brasilian portuguese is just weird on everything...
I hate Brazillian Portuguese, they use some pretty retarded idiomatic expressions, no offence to any Brazilians, you probably think the same about Portuguese :p
Who, me?

Not really. Their dialect is like from the 17th century... They were able to **** up all words that we taught them.