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How have you slept last Night?

I slept well last night as I have a bed time routine that I try and keep to as much as possible to ensure I always get enough sleep. I used to be really bad with my sleep but I tried to get a handle on it and I've been sticking to a schedule for quite some time now. It's done wonders for my health.
I have slept a grand total of 12 hours after pulling an all nighter Monday night. Feeling energized today.
I have fallen asleep at 7h30 pm last night, have woken up from 11pm to 2 am, playing "Tales of Phantasia 1", have gone back to sleep at 2am this morning.
Not very well last night personally.
I have slept great last night for me anyways.
I have been awake from 1h30am till 4 am, but I've slept well enough before that and I've had a grand total of 13-14 hours of sleep last night. I have woken up at noon today. Have had no breakfast and a brunch for lunch/breakfast today and coffee.
I slept quite well last night but I did have quite broken sleep as it was hot so we had to have the windows open so there was quite a lot of noise from outside coming into the room. I find that I always sleep worse in summer months compared to winter months.
I have woken up from 2am to 4am around last night, so not very well, I think I'll be napping some later this afternoon, after posting on forums.
I have slept great last night personally, a grand total of 13-14 hours without waking up, which is a feat in itself. Feeling well-rested today.
Went to bed at about 1pm after my home office phone thing decided to wipe its configuration and I had to set it back up again. Woke up at about 0730. Could have done with more sleep, alas.
I have slept pretty great last night personally, waking up 3 times at about 11H30pm, 2H30am and 4am. But, been sleeping like a baby last night, which has been heavenly and feeling full of energy and motivation for life today myself.
I have not slept very good last night. In fact, been awake since 2am this morning. Will be taking a nap after posting on my usual forums and breakfast.
I have gone to bed at around 7 pm last night, woken up from 2 to 6-7am this morning, I have napped a bit this morning, will probably take another nap this afternoon again, feeling zonked today.
Like a baby, feeling refreshed today.
Like crap, I have awoken from 3am to 9am this morning, have had breakfast and medications, have napped another 2 hours, am dead-tired today.
Quite well actually for me personally.
Like crap because of my menstrual cramps last night.
I have been working on getting enough sleep at night but it's something that's been eluding me for more than 5 years now. I find it very difficult to sleep at night. I always sleep around 3:00 AM and wake up 6:00 AM.
I'm still awake, so not very good tonight.