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How important is music to YOU?


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Southern Indiana
Music is my life. I am always listening to it, even when I sleep. I love exploring different artists and genres and I love finding new stuff to listen to. :) Without music I would have only a small amount of the motivation and inspiration I have with it.
Music is actually a massive part of my life.
I'm heavily/emotionally effected by the music I listen to and I couldn't go very long without it!
Music helps motivate me. I have a hard time drawing anything unless I have some music in the background to give me a little creative inspiration.
Music pretty much helped me get through school, as daft as that sounds. I won't go into detail but between bullying and a ****ty father there wasn't much joy in my childhood. Music helped a lot!

Nowadays I don't think I go a day without listening to something, usually I'm listening to stuff while I work so that's most days of the week!
I can manage a few days without music, but after a while there's just this click that makes me go, "I need music. Right. Now."
And then I listen to it and it's like recharging inner batteries or something, haha.
Throughout education I constantly had my headphones in; now-a-days I find I don't really have time for it. I used to listen to music every-time I went to bed, but I go to bed so late now I'd just die from lack of sleep. XD
I'd kill myself if there wasn't music in my life, I can't live without it.
It means the world to me, wow, that's corny.
But yeah, I can't go a day without listening to music.
not so important now. when i was a teen, yeah i'd listen to it all the time... now? not so much.
Music is massively important to me, I struggle to go a day without it. I dunno where I'd be without music.
I suppose I didn't really answer the question...

It used to be. :D
I listen to it whenever I'm not talking to somebody/doing something I need to concentrate on, so fairly important I guess.
What do you expect? We're teenagers for the most part, generally on the computer, and generally introverted. I'd say we all, "extremely love" music.
I heavily agree with Schopenhauer's view of music being an escape - you can actually escape reality through music and, for a time, forget the world. Without music, I have no idea where I'd be now!

"He deemed music to be a timeless, universal, language which is comprehended everywhere, and can imbue global enthusiasm, if in possession of a significant melody."
Can't live without it. I listen to it all day- while i'm studying, in the car, in the shower, before bed. I can't stand silence.
Music is a really big part of my life.
I'd seriously be nothing without it. It's my whole reason for living, really. It calms me down when I start feeling very anxious, it helps me sleep at night. I can't sleep unless there's music playing. It also helps me to be creative in other areas. It helps inspire my writing and my artwork.
Music is my outlet. Some people write things down in journals, some people draw pictures... I write music to outlet my emotions. I've kept everything I've ever written, good or bad, just so I can have it and look back and see if I can remember what I was feeling. I almost always can.

To answer the question, music means everything to me. It keeps me sane. There aren't a lot of genres that I don't like, and even fewer that I don't appreciate or respect even if I don't like it.
I can't imagine my life without music. I use music as a coping mechanism too. Sometimes, music can even say the things I can't put into words. I think life without music is a lonely one. Nothing to motivate or inspire you.
Music is not too important to me, I'm more of a movie person. I don't have favourite genre or bands, I listen to anything as long as I can relate to the lyrics. I like it when I listen to a song and feel like it's about me or someone / something I love, lol. c:
fairly important, i guess:) it keeps my brain a little quieter and leaves me a little less bored.
i can deal with silence, though; and a lot of the times i actually prefer it over music. sometimes it's nice to hear the world as it is