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How important is one's appearance to you?


Mastermind Talker
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Like the title asks; how much importance do you place on people's appearances, whether it be when seeking a partner or just what you observe with people in general?

Personally I've never found a person's appearance to be the be-all, end-all that a lot of people do; I find it silly that society's constantly telling us how we should look, rather than telling us to do what's best for us/we're most comfortable with.

In terms of partners; I have to be attracted to them physically, but that doesn't mean they have to be stunning or what people deem as a 10/10. Fortunately for me, I found a stunner. :o
It's only important as far as being attracted to them. That doesn't mean they have to be model-tier - just be attractive in my eyes. And anyway, a beautiful person could have an ugly personality.

That said, I do appreciate it when people looks after themselves and dress well but I don't disregard people who don't.
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not much , i mean, i like when a man has a sense of style and has good hygien but that's about it
Partner wise, attraction is important but you don't have to be a certain way to be attractive. It's more about someone's features for me.
Luckily I am going out with someone with gorgeous features ;)

As for in general. It doesn't matter to me :) I love to look nice, but not for other people but for my own self esteem :)
Realistically, looks do matter. But if I'm attracted to someone on an emotional level, I tend to see past what would be seen by many people as visual "flaws." Personality's most important- I just have to be able to find them physically attractive too.
I'm not that hung up about it, since I have a pretty wind range on what I find appealing.

However, no blondes. Ever. I just cant get past the fact the hair color annoys me. And I really like to touch hair, esp. if I like you, so it's not good if I don't want to touch your hair.
I mean it's not like I'd never associate myself with anyone blonde or anything, I'd just never date anyone blonde.

Anyway, generally I'm good so long as you're at least decent looking in my eyes, have brown/black hair, and are slightly chubby. I'm not interested in a toned body, esp. in the mid section. There's like nothing to cuddle up to or grab, where's the fun in that?
I mean if I'm gonna date anyone, they've gotta be my Muse as well. I can't be inspired by someone who doesn't meet my personal aesthetics. This also applies for women as well, although not for dating, but if you appeal to my artistic side then it's much more likely I'm gonna follow you around and use you as inspiration in secret. Since most people wouldn't act right if I went up and said "hey, you're my new Muse, so I'm gonna follow you around from now on."

Point is, I have a type so it holds some importance to me. But it has more to do with the fact that I need someone who inspires me and that's hard to come by. Although I'm consistent at least, my type applies for both males and females - except certain obvious things - more or less. My type is Caucasian, dark hair, dark eyes (or Green, that's acceptable), on the tall side, with more rounded facial features (which tends to give off a more childlike appearance), slightly chubby.
For guys I prefer it when they still clearly look adult but still look childlike so typically an average or slightly smaller than average frame is preferred, but no sticks. No thin frames, I just - no. Also short, average, hair cut. Not too short because I like hair. Not too long because then I can't properly run my fingers through it... which I tend to do quite a bit. Although it depends on how it falls really. One of my cousins, who has fantastic as **** hair (ugh, why does he practically have to break my arm each time I try to pet it?! *cries*), has a pretty average hair cut but when it gets long... it grows upward. Thus demonstrating how light and fluffy his hair really is. So longer hair can be forgiven then, but when gravity starts winning the battle - no.

For girls, same thing on the first part but at the same time, you've gotta be an Amazon in the body. Which is to say, taller than average, stacked, and have a little muscle definition (but not too much) - mostly in the legs because, ugh, legs. Also hourglass type body, no exceptions. And when I say stacked I mean "at least a D-cup, US sizes". And the longer your head hair, the better. I don't dig short hair on women, long hair emphasis softness which contrasts and compliments a more Amazonian-like body.

So basically, for guys looks determine how much I'm going to non-sexually molest them... for the sake of art. And for girls looks determine how many hours I'll spend staring at you like the creep that I am... for the sake of art.

Although it's not like I'm totally limited. I can bend a little, but I have an ideal all the same. Certain qualities, physical ones, I put above others is what I'm getting at. Ideally though I wouldn't care but I have recently come to the conclusion, like just a few days ago, that I can't really love someone who doesn't inspire me artistically. I mean I love them, yeah, but it sort of fizzles out... at least until they do something to make it spark again, at which point I'm all over them like white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm with a glass of milk! Typically the more impossibly cute you are, despite being a grown **** adult, the better.
Now if they never have inspired me, and likely never well, then I can't love them romantically. That's just how it is. I'm only capable of loving my Muse, and so far I've only had one and that doesn't bode well for my future given I was hung-up on him for 6 years despite what little romance we had crashing and burning almost 5 years ago.
Also, should be noted, he's hardly anything I described. He had light brown hair, green eyes, kept losing weight over the years (it wounded me, really), tended to put gel crap in his hair (why? why? why?), but... God ****ing dammit he's adorable. He also knows how to play me like a fiddle, so, yeah... that probably has a lot to do with why he acts more childlike around me. Ugh... although he's still slightly chubby, and if you poke his stomach he gets all embarrassed over the fact he's chubby and then... well let's just say I demonstrate a lot of self-restraint when he gets embarrassed and all cuter than normal.

In short: So long as they're cute, it's okay. For me at least. It probably wont be okay for them, since I get excessively creepy. But, yes, looks do matter but I do have a wide range on what I find appealing or what I can find appealing, it's just that I have preferences too. Also I should add I prefer average to slightly above average looking people over all. At least with guys. With girls, it varies much more in my opinion. But for guys if you're conventionally attractive or ideal-looking in the eyes of society then to me you just look boring.

But while I do have physical preferences, it doesn't always apply. You also have to be interesting. If you're my type then i can admire how you look, but if you're not interesting then you'll never be my Muse - which sucks for me. Conversely, like my first Muse, even if you're not my ideal so long as you match certain key points and you're interesting then you'll likely be my Muse... even if you don't want to.
Because physical beauty, to me, is like special effects in movies. Sure, they're great and wonderful but if the movie isn't interesting, has nothing beyond how pretty it looks, then it's momentary. Once you've seen it, that's it, it's all on the surface. There's no going back again and again to watch the movie to feel moved by it. Special effect enhance the movie as a whole, but shouldn't be just about the effects. Conversely a movie with no special effects can be great and wonderful, provided it has plot, good acting, good story, etc. and is fine on it's own. But with special effects it can be even better. Physical beauty, like special effects for movies, is there to make the whole package better in my opinion.

But that's just me.
As friends, looks aren't important to me, as long as they're a nice person I can easily see past looks.

As partners, attraction is important and a relationship usually isn't gonna work if you don't find yourself attracted to them, but I've already found my tall-dark-handsome man, so I'm set :p

As for myself, I'm quite self conscious of how I look and so yeah, I guess my looks are pretty important to me.
I want to look as best I can to myself so I feel better about myself, I don't tend to make much of an effort especially for other people, as bad as that sounds.
If I don't feel comfortable enough with how I look, I won't go anywhere anyone can see me. It's cowardly, but that's just what I do :p
Appearance is crucial to me. How one dresses and takes care of his/her body is a major tell-tale sign of their lifestyle. I like someone who takes care of their body and is physically attractive to my eyes. If I had to weigh the emotional and physical importance, I would say I look 60% into the inside, 40% on the outside, but that's just me.
I heard that people choose friends who are as attractive as they are.
I think I heard that from the Tyra Banks' Show... Anyway, I don't really think about attractiveness when I pick friends. I do, however, notice if someone is really ugly. I don't think a lot of people are ugly, but if they are ugly to me then it just kind of sits in the back of my mind every time I look at them. Like, "... they're so ugly. What the world?!"

But appearance really isn't all that important to me. Not unless someone is very ugly. :|
People are superficial by nature. I'm pretty sure anyone who says they don't care about someone's appearance 100%, at least in the case of a romantic/sexual partner, is lying out their ****.