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how much did you sleep last night?

I got a pretty good amount of sleep lat night. I fell asleep at 10, woke up at 12:30am, went back to sleep at 1-ish, and woke up at around 10:45. When you add it up, that's 13 hours! :)
I need that much sleep in order not to get tired during the day.
Technically none; slept from 5am til 11ish, so roughly 6 hours.
I got home from a party, couldn't sleep till 1am and had to get up at 7am. So I slept for about 6 hours. I had too much caffeine last night. :snack:
i got looootsa sleep over spring break, but now i'm back and planning to get almost none till the end of the school year :woohoo:
Last night... about 3 hours. Client work and Yahoo! Pool is a dangerous mix. :D
Was in bed nearly 9 hours, but not sleeping very well... had some bizarre dreams and kept wanting to wake my girlfriend up who would NOT have been happy, given as she's working today.

Aint that a bi*ch?
yup, me too. for various reasons involving airport transportation.