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How much more Mario?

If it's not broken, why fix it? Same idea with Mario.
If its not broken, inhance it. Mario could have some new stuff if they would only work on it. Instead they have 20 more additions to Mario Party comming soon to a store near you. Well i guess they know theres a kid in all of us.
Mario is a Nintendo icon. Although not owned by Sony, Crash Bandicoot used to be a major icon for the Playstation One. Microsoft has no icon because it doesbn't need one (They have Bill Gates lol).

I do agree with D2alio though. Lately Nintendo has been messing up the Mario name franchise. I enjoy games like Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, etc. But some titles are just a waste. Am I the only one or does Mario Sunshine get boring after a awhile. I mean sometimes I just get sick of the missions...
I still believe Nintendo hasn't lost their luster because they are at least pushing the normal boundaries and trying new things with their icon Mario.

By the way, Xbox's so called "icon" they were trying to establish was that cat blinx. :rollseyes
I don't mean to offend anyone here but I totally dislike the Xbox.


1) Lack of any great games. Aside from Halo and a few other titles, the Xbox still doesn't have a lineup of "great games". Sure there are a few spotty good games but there's a big difference between good games and great games.

2) Lack of any good Accessories to help the system. There really isn't much accessories such as the WaveBird for Gamecube to help broaden it's lineup of accessories.

But I do love the Online setup of Xbox Live. I just love the Xbox Live but that's about it...
I agree with you Ahmed, think if gamecube or ps2 had an online option as xbox does. There would be no competition at all, and we would all be happier:( We'll have to see in the future though. As for the whole mascot thing, mario is with nintendo in just about everything, but its silly how much he is... And i totally agree with what dameon said.
Originally posted by d2alio
i think that while at the same time on one hand Nintendo is making a living off of Mario and it doesn't make sense to ditch him, on the other hand you can define Nintendo's strategy with weakness, meaning they are just too scared to try anything new.

It's sort of one of those quandries where you could take it both ways.

What do you mean they are too scared to try anything new? What about Pikmin? That's something new. Yeah, Mario's been around for a really long time, but they aren't just "sticking" with Mario. They're just adding more to their collection of Mario titles that many people still do enjoy, plus they make a whole lot of money off of Mario, because many people still can't get enough.
Originally posted by Ahmed
I don't mean to offend anyone here but I totally dislike the Xbox.


1) Lack of any great games. Aside from Halo and a few other titles, the Xbox still doesn't have a lineup of "great games". Sure there are a few spotty good games but there's a big difference between good games and great games.

2) Lack of any good Accessories to help the system. There really isn't much accessories such as the WaveBird for Gamecube to help broaden it's lineup of accessories.

But I do love the Online setup of Xbox Live. I just love the Xbox Live but that's about it...

Hopefully you won't be doing any of the reviews for the Xbox games on WiredGamer.com .... lmao
Mario. To some people it is completely synonomous with video games. I can remember when my Mom would see me playing a video game that has nothing to do with Mario or the Mushroom Kingdom for that matter, and she would say, "oh, playing Mario again?" It's not old at all. Mario is just Nintendo's way of selling a quality product. If Nintendo made just a Tennis game and didn't name it Mario Tennis, then it would sell like crap. But slap on Mario in front of the title and put one guy in a red jumpsuit and another in a green one, and they sell like hotcakes. Mario and the gang are characters that are developing and through more games about them, you learn more about their story. And I like Mario Party! It's a great game for competitions and such. Mini-games like Domination are a true test of endurance and the like. Ok I have said too much.
Then why is your Livetag (I know it's fake) say I Need an Xbox?
Yea, I need an Xbox to have a LiveTag, lol.

Hopefully you won't be doing any of the reviews for the Xbox games on WiredGamer.com .... lmao

LMAO! Luckily I won't....