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How often do you watch movies?


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Like the title says, how often do you watch movies?

I'm kinda obsessed with movies :p I usually watch one each night. Sometimes two, but most night it's just one movie and a few episodes of a TV show after.

I think it's become a habit, watching a movie for the sake of it sometimes :p
I don't watch movies very often. I used to watch them a lot when I had HBO but now that I have cable I only watch movies when I'm with friends who have HBO or when there's a rented movie.
Not as often as I would like, the problem is that I do so many different things that its hard to make time for alot of movies. So I maybe get in one movie every week or two on TV and make it to a flick every couple of months.
I'm obsessed with them too. I'm hoping to start a Film course next year at University. I'll watch at least one a night, a lot of the time I just watch films I've seen before, I can watch them over and over. I wanna work in the film industry when I finish Uni so I suppose it's a healthy obsession.
I love movies. But i am like Wally. So much on my plate time is not on my side. I watched a movie today. It was called "my sisters keeper". Everyone says it was a good movie. It was a chick flick, but very good story.

I love movies. I should watch more of them.
Someone remind me what a movie is???? Can't remember the last time I saw one.
Usually one movie per week but it's not a routinely thing although at times I might watch more than just one if I'm bored as I'm not fond of TV shows too much.
If I want to watch one, I watch one.

Its not on a /week basis
I watch movies every week. I just go to Redbox though since it's close and only a dollar.
I go to the cinema only a few times a year. I used to go at least once a month.
Now movies are $10 though.:(
I also used to buy DVDs everyday, but that's done. Those things are getting so expensive for something that is eventually going to become obsolete.
I usually watch a film every day, or sometimes 2 or 3. It depends if i've been to blockbuster or not.
a few on the weekends, but typically never during the week
I usually watch movies on week ends. I like action movies in general and James Bond movies in particular. At one point of time, I watched James Bond movies everyday for over 10 days. I really enjoyed these movies.
I don't really watch movies, I only ever do if I have someone to watch them with...and even then they get boring for me. Unless I'm at the cinema.
Movies in theaters? Or movies at the cable TV? I watch free old movies that I missed watching on theaters at the comfort of our home and cable TV channel like HBO and Star Movies almost every day.