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How's the weather today?

It pissed down rain last night. In fact we were hit by the tail end of Tropical Cyclone Yasi and had a massive line of thunderstorms. Ballarat had a dust storm as well. So we had this brown **** come down from the orange sky along with thunder and lightning. It was a brilliant sound and light show last night.
Will this Winter ever end,,??!!

I woke up to 3 more inches of snow added to our original 4 inches. The roads were awful but I made to work anyway.
Kind of overcast but it's humid and nice. Just gotta hope it doesn't rain at the footy tonight. Am going to watch my team play in their intra club (scratch match)
It's clear, bright and cold. My least favorite winter type condition.
We got 2 more inches of snow last night, but the sun was out all day which melted it off the roads. Still freaking cold though... 25 degrees.
If it wasn't cold outside you'd never know it was winter. Sunny the last couple of days, blue, blue skies, white fluffy clouds. I wisht I was camping.
-18 ****, that's cold!
we have snow all over the place, can't wait for spring time!!!! !! ! !!!! ! !!!!!!!
We were supposed to have a lot of snow this year, but in the lower mainland (where I live) we've had almost nothing to speak of. It's cold, but this week looks like spring. I never got a chance to have a bunch of snow and get all excited and play in it and get exhausted digging it out and end up cursing it. I miss snow!
It pissed down rain here earlier. It's getting colder.

It's close to Autumn here in Australia.
Its finally warming up! Its supposed to be in the 60s today. I just wish I didn't have to work so that I could play in the sunshine instead. :(
Started off as a pretty average day weather-wise around here- but now it's very windy, and it snowed a little bit earlier