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How's the weather today?

Spring is the air!

Summer started here in Belgium a few days ago :D
Spring is the air!

Summer started here in Kansas as well
it's 84*F right now, not to bad, it'll be up another 10 degrees before to long tho
Early fall?

I was on my way out to walk to the store earlier, when I noticed something quite funny for this time of year...
some of the leaves have already started turning! It's not super-noticeable just yet, but I noticed some pretty red leaves on the tree in front of my house. I also saw a few yellow ones on another tree. I think this may be happening, due to the early start to the summer in the US this year. The leaves turning usually happens about a month from now here, late August. My fall allergies are also just starting to kick in, which never happens until the end of August as well.
Well, bring it on! Fall is one of my favorite seasons, and the summer heat always kills me. More of a fall/winter type for that reason.
Early fall?

I'm not sure really. We've had a record setting year for heat. In NY we're right on track for the hottest July on record with the most days over 90° since the mid-90s. Everything I've read says we're in for an Indian summer too. That means a very hot end of August and September.

I'm not a big fan of the heat but one nice thing about it is that it makes my exercise worth more, since I sweat more when it's hotter. :) I cannot wait for fall though it'll be nice to sleep with the windows open again instead of the AC all the time.
Early fall?

I live in Western MA, somewhat north of you- the temperatures have been back down to about average for the last couple days. I heard about the NY heat- no fun! We're probably a little ahead of you guys with the colored leaves as well.
I did check the almanac for the Northeast US, and the end of August is supposed to be hot, then it will cool down after that. But then again, who knows? The almanac has gotten things wrong in the past, from what I've observed. We'll just have to wait and see- hope we have a nice snowy winter though!
Early fall?

Here in Seattle, we've had one warm week and the rest of it has been very close to fall. I'm ready for at least a month of warmth.
Early fall?

I live in Southwestern Germany, and we've had temperatures up to 37 degrees C in the past weeks ... now it's raining and just 16 degrees C, thank god!! :)

I hope Fall is coming here quickly as well ... sometimes we get hot Summers until late September ... I hope we'll be spared this year!
Early fall?

Eeek, poor Monster! I never thought of Germany as being a hot place- I would almost think it would be somewhat like the northern US, as we're at a similar latitude. During our heat wave, we got about 90-95 (about 32-35 C).
Funny you say it's about that temperature and raining there- it's the exact same here today! Too bad we're back to heat again tomorrow... must get the AC on first thing tomorrow morning!
Early fall?

Eeek, poor Monster! I never thought of Germany as being a hot place- I would almost think it would be somewhat like the northern US, as we're at a similar latitude.

I live in the hottest region in Germany. It's a wine region, so we have really hot Summers and relatively warm Winters. It's also near the Switzerland-France-Germany triangle. Even Italy is not that far away, so I'm pretty close to the warmer regions of Europe! :)

During our heat wave, we got about 90-95 (about 32-35 C).
Funny you say it's about that temperature and raining there- it's the exact same here today! Too bad we're back to heat again tomorrow... must get the AC on first thing tomorrow morning!

I hope it'll rain for a while ... I can't stand the sun and the heat ... especially when I have to work!! lol

Currently, I'm working from home, so I have no air condition ... I purchased 5 fans recently, so it's pretty cool in here no matter what weather is outside, but when the sun is shining, I'm rarely able to concentrate properly. So I'm hoping for contiued overcast weather and rain! ;)

There's a thunderstorm right now! It woke me up..its 2:11 AM with theres wildfires I later reported on another thread this lightning will contribute to the cause of more fires..but I do love to watch them! I live alone so sometimes I get lonely at these late nights when I can't sleep.

I live just outside of Orlando area and we are known for being the lightning capital of the world. They actually relax me when we have them. But with all the people getting killed by lightning strikes I enjoy it from inside my home. Now my wife on the other lived in a country where heavy thunderstorms rarely happen. So she cant stand them.

During the summer time we get isolated thunderstorms. I used to be scared of them when I was a child, but I think they are so cool to watch now that I'm older.
well it's hot
Temperate, sunny, and windy. It's supposed to get real cool tonight, almost fall-like! I can take that- I will blare my window fan into my room and be covered up- I sleep best in coolness while in a blanket.

I hear that the rest of the country is in a horrible heat wave now, especially the south and midwest- hope that lets up soon for those of you who happen to live in these areas!

Well I love thunderstorms. I always try to run outside but my family stay stopping me. "No you are going to get sick.", "No, what are you doing?? you'll end up in the hospital again." blah blah blah It is water, lights and sounds. Give me a break. They are great.

I'm not so keen about getting rained on, but I love watching them through the window :)

Well my mom loves doing that. I like running around in the rain. I remember once when I lived in Brooklyn that it was pouring so much that the sidewalks started to fold and I had sneakers on. It was great. By the time I got home I was soaked in and out. I remember my mom gave me an umbrella just in case and it broke in half. I got home and she was screaming talking about "take a shower I'll make some soup." She made me soup and hot chocolate afterward to get me warm because I was freezing by the time I got home but it was cool.

Thunderstorms kick all kinds of ****. Supposed to have thunderstorms this whole week in Michigan. We'll see what happens.

Shoot I wish there was a thunderstorm here in NY. it is hot as hell out here. A thunderstorm would definitely cool things down a bit.