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How's the weather today?

It was overcast all day and I hated it. Now it finally raining and now I'm happy. Lol, i hate overcast because its a mixture of cloudy and rainy. Pick one or the other, you can't have both
I totally agree, nemo1246. When it's overcast here I find myself looking at the sky and thinking "do something already"!
it's 21 again today in Topeka, the wind isn't as bad as it was yesterday though
Not too bad, haven't left the house so don't know how cold it is, but it looks a bit sunny out there.
Well I haven't been out in a day and half and I probably will be going to the doctors tomorrow. I have this bad chest cold but I heard my from aunt it was freezing outside.
here, it's colder too ... -4 °C, tonight was even -5 °C ... it feels extremely cold.
-7 °C right now ... ugh ... I'm glad the radiator's working.
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, now it's -14 °C (= 6.8 °F), I'm glad I'm home. lol
idk, it looks cold
probably is cold, no snow on the ground
will be out freezing it in soon
It pounded down snow yesterday evening but it must have warmed up because by the time I got up this morning there was none anywhere.