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How's the weather today?

I am going too tell the truth, I try. lol. The weather was (to me only) gerat!!! It was raining all day.
I noticed that it only seems to rain when I'm depressed or just got my hair done the night before. Well this time I just did my hair the night before lol. Other than the pouring rain it was great outside. Nice and humid with a cool breeze. Think the weather is telling me its almost Spring time yay!!! ^_^
I so understand what you are talking about tabby. I did my hair couple of days ago and it is all ****ed up now.
Sometimes I wish I could walk around with a instant bubble that would form whenever it rains to protect our hair. It cost money and is sometimes painful to be beautiful lmao ^0^
Monsoon weather over this way - means sunny during the day thunderstorms and rain at night bah hate monsoon weather
That sucks I'm sorry to hear that Ren. Don't like to be stuck in monsoon weather either. Hate for it to rain so hard it feels like I'm being beat by the water
I would love to witness that. I have a thing for extremes. I love thunderstorms and rain. I am strange.
I don't mind rain storms as long as it doesn't make me feel like I'm in sleet. I like to have the rain be gentle lol. Cool breeze on a hot day it also makes my hair look kewl in the air hahahaha
We were finally warming up till a snow storm hit.. not a lot of snow, but its freezing out!! Arrgghh!
Its more like the wind has a mind of its own and is trying to body slam everyone over here. But it has gotten better now its less wind but more chill -_- hate cold air.
I am not sure where everyone here is from. I live in Manitoba Canada. Right now its -19 with the windchill its -27. Yes I can't wait till I can experience the warmth again . LOL its suppose to get up to -11 today. I hope so. Its been to long of a winter. We get very little in between weather, goes from -30 to plus 25 some years. I don't like that I like to have a bit of a springtime. My Dog suka is down right bored of the cold. This is the kind of weather that happens where I live.
Well I am from New York... and I think I would cry for the first month if I were to move to where you lived. I love winter but that would make me cry. lol :eek:p :supergrin:
Its gorgeous!!!! In the 60s today and the sun was out with a nice cool breeze.
it's very nice, I guess it's going to get in the mid 60's
to bad I'm working :madder: