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I am Canadian

melba toast said:
For reasons that Anglo has stated,many people have left the Maritimes.They stand a better chance at a job.It's a **** shame,considering how beautiful it is there.

Thank you,melba!! So Canada, if you and your girlfriend are reading this, here is a response from a displaced Maritimer who knows first hand how difficult it is to acquire decent employment in New Brunswick if you speak ENGLISH ONLY!!:thumbsup:
I am an ill informed Canadian and yet to this point you have not supported any of your arguments or in the in case opinions with any facts to back you up.

I find it hard to believe that in NB you ran into a person who speaks only French to the point of incomprehension and was unable to get someone who spoke your language. I would like to know where this location is to support this conjecture of yours.

On another note if this is true it is your right to be served in English or French and in this case had you been polite enough to request it I bet he would have been happy to come back and serve you in English. Plus by your own comment you were happy with his service previously provided.

Unfortunately if there is a problem with the French in the area you just leaving without voicing a complaint to the management whether at the store or higher levels will not correct the problems.

Numbers are great and in answer to your question there has been about 20000 new jobs created in new Brunswick since 99.

No Where in my posts does it talk about a girlfriend or any other significant other so again please stop making assumptions and lets stick to the topic at hand. you do like to change the subject don't you.

I still find no valid evidence with anything you say to support that there is any difficulty finding employment for an Anglo in New Brunswick or the maritimes for that matter. Not even of the youth moving out west. from talking to my parents, relatives and friends they have all at one time or other gone out west for jobs or have considered / are considering going.
This has nothing to do with language look at the opportunities that are available out there. A person with no education can work making as much as a doctor by working on the oil rigs. The trades in the west are crying for people so bad that they are dishing out millions of dollars in benefits, bonuses, an relocation costs just to get skilled people out there (sometimes unskilled who are willing to learn). To a young person just starting out this would be like hitting the jackpot.

Also there is more room for advancement. Let's face it in the maritimes there are not many head offices. Companies like to be centralized and keep their upper management with them. Again this has nothing to do with language it is all about demographics.

On top of all that there is just more going on out there. To compare the the amount of stuff to do or experience from say Calgary to that of the likes of say Saint John there is just no comparison.

I do have to agree with melba though the maritimes have some great nature attractions.

I am monolingual as previously stated. Thank you for the welcome nova.
Canada said:
I find it hard to believe that in NB you ran into a person who speaks only French to the point of incomprehension and was unable to get someone who spoke your language. I would like to know where this location is to support this conjecture of yours.
Saint or St. Hubert's on Mountain Road - there take out section. Dark haired girl, shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, slim, young and attractive.

On another note if this is true it is your right to be served in English or French and in this case
had you been polite enough to request it
Excuse me but the man did tell her he would wait on me when he was finished. He was after all at the same counter. And yes, I do like the guy. He is a very pleasant fellow and we chat up a storm when I go in on occasion to order take out. I wasn't impolite I said never mind and walked out. I didn't fly off or make any derogatory statements to anyone. You assume too much Canada.
Unfortunately if there is a problem with the French in the area you just leaving without voicing a complaint to the management whether at the store or higher levels will not correct the problems.
I know the owner personally and I really don't give a ****. I also know those employees who work the dinning room area MUST be bilingual or else he will not hire them.

Numbers are great and in answer to your question there has been about 20000 new jobs created in new Brunswick since 99.
And out of those 20000 jobs how many are available for English only speaking employees?

No Where in my posts does it talk about a girlfriend or any other significant other so again please stop making assumptions and lets stick to the topic at hand. you do like to change the subject don't you.
Actually your posts are written in such a way that I figured there must be a female floating around behind you, looking over your shoulder while you defend the French. I just have a "gut feeling" (call it an intuition)that an Acadian woman is behind your argument. I often get a sneaky suspicion of something and it is usually correct. As a matter of fact, I am seen a message in my cereal. It may be a warning. It reads:OOOO !! Whoops, sorry, I am wrong,it isn't a psychic message.I forgot I am eating Cheerios.:p
I still find no valid evidence with anything you say to support that there is any difficulty finding employment for an Anglo in New Brunswick or the Maritimes for that matter.
OK I will dig out my research and post it ASAP but not tonight.

I do have to agree with melba though the Maritimes have some great nature attractions.

AND it is sad that some people have to lave the area for employment. Think of the natural beauty they are missing.
Obviously you haven't checked out other threads!!

Canada said:
Waiting on said research.
Here you go, Venus, I mean Canada. Happy reading. I refuse to spend any more time on this until you have reviewed and researched material for yourself. Why waste my time on someone who is going to just deny everything that is in front of them. It seems to me that the world denied the Nazi movement at one time as well until it was too late. Too many people here sleeping with the enemy.

You want research read these posts first and then maybe we can talk:
Wow you must be 5 years old. For someone who claims to be a well read person you have certainly proven yourself wrong. If you would care to reread with your eyes open you will see all my arguments are based on fact all yours are based on your biased opinion and on your twisting my facts to TRY and suit you.

I am sure you and Venus have had your past experiences as i have read but from the looks of it your big bad message on telling her to watch out has scared her off. I don't get where you get that I am Venus just because we share some of the same views. Today is the first day i have seen her post in weeks and was hoping she would have something to add to this.

I agree with you why waste time on someone who is denying everything in front of them and too lazy to research any arguments on what I have posted you still haven't gotten back to me on the constitutions act.

I cannot believe you just compared the French to Nazis. You might as well have said they were poopyheads like a three year old child. I enjoy a good argument and until the last couple of days was enjoying the conversation but I guess losing brought out the bigotry in you.

You seem to forget that the French have been persecuted by the English on this continent for centuries now. Look at all the acadiens being forced off their land and exiled by the English. Oh and wait since you like to save time by posting links to other arguments instead of writing them here yourself I will save you some time and put your comment to this remark for all to read They should have stayed away. from your mentality it sounds like the kind of thing you would say.

I cannot understand how one person can go from one thread to another supporting Jews, supporting religion, supporting ****, and preaching about respecting others and yet you show none yourself towards the French and towards anybody who has another opinion than yours on this site.

i have read parts of the other thread and would love to know which parts you feel pertinent to this thread and can substantiate that the French are taking over Canada from the inside out or as you would say like the virus on society they are.
Please attack away on what I have said in this reply. feel free to attack me personally. I will only respond to future facts and valid arguments to bring this back to the mature conversation it started out as. Sorry I had to bring this down to your level for awhile.

Here you go, Venus, I mean Canada. Happy reading. I refuse to spend any more time on this until you have reviewed and researched material for yourself. Why waste my time on someone who is going to just deny everything that is in front of them. It seems to me that the world denied the Nazi movement at one time as well until it was too late. Too many people here sleeping with the enemy.

You want research read these posts first and then maybe we can talk:
Excuse me, Paranoid are we? I am NOT Canada, but I do really like him.:thumbsup:
Good job, keep up the good work Canada! :eusa_clap
And nope sorry Canada, even tho I really want to add my 2 cents on this thread I am not.
Irish...out of respect for a friend of mine, I think you might know her, BB, I am not going to get into this with you.
YOU are simply NOT WORTH IT!

BUT BabyBuddha IS!!!!
Venus, you are not the first idiot she has dragged home and I am sure you won't be the last. As a matter of fact one nimrod caused me to have no contact for almost 2 years. Guess we have entirely different tastes when it comes to who we select to be in our lives. So be it. She is her own person and I am not living her life and she will not be living mine so if she wants french people around her who are dim to the way that the English are been driven out of their own province, whatever. She herself has been turned down from jobs in her field because she isn't french. Or to put it more correctly for those who want to argue - she is not bilingual.

I also know exactly who Canada is and it really doesn't matter as the facts are all on the thread if he cared to read them. Why should I waste my time presenting facts when he has a closed mind about the french situation anyhow.
Ewww I don't swing that way... Old dirty bitter english ppl!
What ever happened to your loyalty to a dear friend in that you swore you wouldn't post in support of her. That was short lived.

Anyway I am not going to fight with you because you just aren't worth the effort in finding the keys.
Whatever ever you want Irish whatever you want. You are the best, you are the greatest, no one comes even close to be good enough for you... I guess not even your own family.
And about my loyalty to BB I am pretty sure she will understand that being attacked personally like you have been doing, posting my name everywhere assuming I am Canada and ****... She will forgive me for my moment of weakness.
Sorry BB!
Venus, you are not the first idiot she has dragged home and I am sure you won't be the last. As a matter of fact one nimrod caused me to have no contact for almost 2 years. Guess we have entirely different tastes when it comes to who we select to be in our lives. So be it. She is her own person and I am not living her life and she will not be living mine so if she wants french people around her who are dim to the way that the English are been driven out of their own province, whatever. She herself has been turned down from jobs in her field because she isn't french. Or to put it more correctly for those who want to argue - she is not bilingual.

I also know exactly who Canada is and it really doesn't matter as the facts are all on the thread if he cared to read them. Why should I waste my time presenting facts when he has a closed mind about the french situation anyhow.

This is why I asked* Venus to stop posting
....because you always throw stuff in my face. You constantly hurt me. Either by bringing up old hurts or trying to create new ones. I love you, Irish. But I will not stand by and let you bash my friends or any my GFs (exes included).

*(Actually I need to edit this part, Venus stopped posting when I said I was no longer going to post. I said that none of this was worth it and I didn't want a repeat performance of what happened a few years ago with the family. So she said she wouldn't post anymore if I wasn't going to. But last night, boredom and interest got the best of me and I read some of the posts and needed to respond. That is why Venus posted again, as I had informed her of my post.)

Canada isn't Venus or her BF.....so stop being paranoid. It is no one I know.

I just want to be able to come on here and debate things with people whom have different views. I learn from them sometimes and hopefully they learn from me. Enough said. Be angry or upset with me, Irish....but this all needs to stop. If any of you honestly care about me. You will all stop this pointless bickering.
Guys I'm sorry but this isn't the place to be aruging about this.

I hope you do make up and all though, it's not nice to see people who once talked as friend now aruging against each other...
You Know You're a Canadian When...
You think Corner Gas is funny.
You stand in "line-ups" at the movie, not lines.
You're not offended by the term "Homo Milk".

You understand the sentence, "Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my poutine."

You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars.

You drink pop, not soda.

You know what it means to be on pogey.

You know that a mickey and 2-4's mean "Party at the camp, eh!"

You can drink legally while still a teen.

You talk about the weather with strangers and friends alike.

You don't know or care about the fuss with Cuba, it's just a cheap place to travel with good cigars and no Americans.

When there is a social problem, you turn to your government to fix it instead of telling them to stay out of it.

You're not sure if the leader of your nation has EVER had sex and you really don't want to know if he has!

You get milk in bags as well as cartons and plastic jugs.

Pike is a type of fish, not some part of a highway.

You drive on a highway, not a freeway.

You know what a Robertson screwdriver is.

You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.

You know that Thrills are something to chew and "taste like soap."

You know that Mounties "don't always look like that."

You dismiss all beers under 6% as "for children and the elderly."

You know that the Friendly Giant isn't a vegetable product line.

You know that Casey and Finnegan are not a Celtic musical group.

You participated in "Participaction."

You have an Inuit carving by your bedside with the rationale, "What's good enough protection for the Prime Minister is good enough for me."

You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin yet.

Unlike any international assasin/terrorist/spy in the world, you don't possess a Canadian passport.

You use a red pen on your non-Canadian textbooks and fill in the missing 'u's from labor, honor, and color.

You know the French equivalents of "free", "prize", and "no sugar added", thanks to your extensive education in bilingual cereal packaging.

You are excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.

You make a mental note to talk about it at work the next day.

You can do all the hand actions to Sharon, Lois and Bram's "Skin-a-ma-rinky-dinky-doo" opus.

You can eat more than one maple sugar candy without feeling nauseous.

You were mad when "The Beachcombers" were taken off the air.

You know what a toque is.

You have some memento of Doug and Bob.

You know Toronto is not a province.

You never miss "Coaches Corner."

Back bacon and Kraft Dinner are two of your favorites food groups.
I love Canada....Therefore I am.
Back to the Culture Clash section or the Humor Index
I am a Happy Canadian. I am from the province of Manitoba. I live in relatively safe place, At least no bombs going off or landmines. What city doesn't doesn't have issues or country for that matter. We have laws to protect us most of the time.Rights and freedoms that some other countries don't. We have changes of seasons so we not to get bored with one type of weather. The water I drink, is the best in the country I believe. I"m very thankful as to where I live. I was born and raised in this country. Thank You Canada, for such a stable country.