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I bid thee farewell...


Senior Talker
PF Member
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Well, I'm off to Cali in about 2 hours. Gonna stay there for about 4 weeks. I dont want to leave without clearing a few things up first:

Australia rocks
Sharobob is cool
Xbox sucks

That sould do it. No one should be mad at me anymore...unless I forgot something...
Have a good time.Try not to make any regrets,ok?:p
Have fun D_C... you'll be missed.
woo i'm cool!!11!11

have a great time in cali man, and Australia Su... Rocks (shane is from aus, right?)
Beleive me, Matt will viciously assault you for that comment about Aussie Land. Then, after you are bruised and broken, Shane will kick you in the nut sack.
Oh, that reminds me, I need to bring my shades. Oh thanks I almost forgot to pack that ****.
See ya, man. :) You'll love cali! :D I live there.

And, yes, Sharobob is cool. :)
Remember.... buy all your weed in Oregon. That **** is EXPENSIVE in california.
Where do ya think your going? That's half of our XBox content editors gone right there. You'd better come back soon :mad:. Nah, sall good man :shifty:... have fun.
Oh ****, looks like my mom did some shopping while I was away. I am posting from a brand new computer. Only 56k though. But my mom has a scanner and **** so I might post some pics. And dont worry matt, I have all my old reviews, and some new ones, saved to a disk and ready to upload to GXS Xbox section.

And Swazi, what the ****, do you think I am an amature or something? I bought my fair share of the sweet stuff before I left for cali.