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I have no words after watching......So Sad :(


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
Reaction score
Topeka, Kansas
Always beaware what is around you at all times... Life can be taken away with-in a milla second...

Annnnnnd, this is why we must PAY ATTENTION while driving. Most of these are simulations I'm sure, but this really does happen, due to people who drive stupidly and don't pay attention to the road. It gets worse with time, it seems.
AND about the railroad scene-- they put the bars down for a reason, people!

Sooo, the lesson here is, drive the speed limit, look at the road, stay on your side of the road, and you shouldn't have a problem.
Real message, slow down and get there, life is fragile and already too short do not try to go fast, push the limits and end it even sooner.
I couldn't watch till the end - that's terrible! I hope that it's an aducational movie and all these things have never happened. Unfortunately, they can happen so please everybody - let's be carefull and attentive on the roads!
Their is one part of the video where the car goes right across the highway similar to a accident I saw. I was driving with my wife on a big highway called I4 and my wife is looking at me while she is talking. And I have my eyes on the road while driving when all of a sudden this car goes from the left lane across 4 lanes in a side ways backward motion if that makes sense? It happened so fast that my wife missed the whole thing and freaked out when I slammed on my breaks and very sharply pulled over to help. It turned out that the car lost control in the left lane hit the concrete barrier which somehow made the car bounce off it and cross 4 lanes and miss all oncoming to smash into the concrete barrier on the other side. I pulled over and the family of four seemed ok except for some blood on the families faces. The father wanted to get out but I convinced him and the family to not move until the ambulance came.
in chicago a truck raced past me and slamed into a truck with a load of bricks, crushed the driver because the cab filled with bricks.
Bummer, video go bye bye........:thud:
Couldn't watch video - has up some sign about terms of use violation.
Couldn't watch video - has up some sign about terms of use violation.
well that sucks
it was about not paying attention while driving
I'll see if I can find another copy :smiley_706:

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------

this looks like a fuzzy version, but it'll give you an idea