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I knew it! Cheney had no heart!

There ya went n did it joan.... ya just had to ask for more... Thanks! SMH!

And so Barb :laugh: just left and I gotta say she really really does not listen to the real news. hahahaha. I mentioned about the heart transplant and she says.......wait for this.....she says I cannot believe Cheney had a transplant and nobody reported on this before he went in hospital, cuz what if something happened to Obama, we'd have no president at all.... ummm!!!
Dr. Strangelove lives. The old buzzard was heartless, for a while anyway, between pulling the old ticker out & sewing a new one in.

Wonder if the donor died in a hunting accident?

hes too old for a heart transplant...


Why? Because he's in his 70's he should be permitted to die instead of getting a transplant that he waited 20 months for instead of using his "influence" to leapfrog to the front of the line?

Because there is a severe shortage of donor hearts, they generally are given to much younger candidates, people who would reasonably be expected to live another 10-15 years.

Gee why didn't I think of that? Thank you for enlightening me about heart surgeries I had no idea how that worked. :dunce:

Now, let's take your story and mix it up a little shall we?

CW Moderator Post: I'm sorry to inform you all that long time member icoupon2 passed away of heart failure yesterday due to her Marfan Syndrome while awaiting a transplant. She was a young and spritely 70 years old. She leaves behind two children and 4 grandchildren.

Still think it's funny? I don't

Still think "he" doesn't "deserve" a transplant heart? I think he does

I get it that there is a shortage of organs, I get it that there are certain criteria that must be met to get on the donor list. Been there done that. My mother is nearing the end of her life due to liver failure. She couldn't get on the "list" in her early 60's because she had other issues which might have led to her death anyway. But if you would otherwise be expected to live to a ripe old age you are entitled to be on the list, which he clearly was.

Now **** it stop making me defend the old buzzard's right to a heart! I don't even like the guy! :laugh:

Again, this was about a PUBLIC figure, not a private person.

But that's my point! Now it sounds like you're you saying "he" shouldn't have a transplant organ at 70 because of who he is but others should at 70 if you like them well enough? Shudder, God forbid the transplant list become a popularity contest.
Where did I say he wasn't entitled to a heart transplant?

Corgs said he was too old.

icoupon asked why.

I answered that because of shortages they tend to be given to younger candidates. There are transplant committees that determine the waiting list based on a number of factors. People die every day while on that waiting list, being older than others waiting, not being on the list longer does not get you a new organ faster.

That is true whether someone is left, right, blue or green.

Where did I say the guy wasn't entitled to a heart?

Oh, because I made a joke about him having no heart while he was on the heart lung machine between the old & the new? Get a sense of humor for crying out loud.

I didn't realize at Republicans are untouchables here. Guess what, I don't give a ****. He is a public figure, he has been & will be up for mockery, does not matter what his politics are.

As for the rest of it, I see lots of political **** from some folks who post the same **** no matter what.

ETA: The public figure line was referring to making a joke about a transplant. I would not joke about a private person, i.e. if it were icuopon needing a transplant. I thought that much would be obvious, but I underestimated some folks ability to understand.
Wow....you ARE mean.

Barb stays out of heated arguments about politics cause they don't interest her...AND she obviously doesn't pay them enough attention to know the vice pres. changed too, rofl.

Barb also mentioned Jod Biden is like non-entity. We never hear ANYTHING about him on E!

And I for one am totally shocked by that. I thought for sure the only good thing about Obama winning the election would be the endless hours of amusement good old Joe would provide. He's let the whole country down.
Oh the irony ennui. Aren't you always trying to get people to "think" and to "care about issues" and sitting in judgement on those you find less open minded than you claim to be? I think so...and yet you don't like to have the tables turned and be grilled about what YOU believe.

IF you say something about someone and someone else says would you feel that way if it was someone you know it isn't meant to be mean it is meant to make you think. It's easy to have opinions about the world at large, but it's harder to apply them to people you actually *know*. That was my point. But apparently I have no sense of humor so what do I know?
Uh no. There are guidelines for heart transplant as there are for lung transplant and other solid organ transplantation. Usually the cut-off age is 65, and age is a relative contraindication. Heart transplant isn't without risk and it doesn't hurt being in his position. This discussion I am sure he and his transplant surgeon had extensively and for circumstances I am not privy to, they decided to do it for him. Organ procurement is difficult and the list is forever long so I am biased to young people.

So how young? When has a person who needs a heart "lived enough" that they shouldn't get one? 40? 50? 60?
I told Ernie...for all WE know....he MAY be dead.

When do you hear "Vice Pres Joe Biden is visiting (somecountry) representing the US? or "Vice Pres Joe Biden is at the opening of"

I think he died....and they didn't tell us.


No wonder I forgot who the vice president is!!! He doesn't DO anything.

Exactly. It's like the man fell off the face of the earth.

Can we submit a list of names who we'd like to meet with a similar fate? :lol:

Honestly I think the administration realized pretty early on they had to keep good old Joe on a short leash or they'd spend their entire time explaining his actions and apologizing for them.
Reality is there is a shortage of donor organs.

Medicine triages all patients, from the order you get treated in the emergency department, to the order you get operated on, and yes, if you get a donated organ and when.

It is not first come, first served.

This is about healthcare, not a restaurant.

Does not matter how long you've been waiting and never will.

There are not enough organs for everyone who wants one or needs one. That is why transplant committees have to make difficult choices, that it why it up a committee to decide and not a single doctor. They have a checklist of various criteria that considers many factors and then they debate the pluses and minuses of each matching candidate when an organ becomes available. One lucky person may win, and the rest lose, waiting for a chance to repeat the process all over again.

Should a 50 year old grandmother get it instead of the 20 year old college student?
What about the 30 year old smoker with young children instead of the 68 yo grandfather?
Or the 45 yo old teacher over a 55 yo auto mechanic?
What about the 28 yo diabetic over the 60 year old non-smoker?

Until there are more available donor organs than sick patients who need organs there will be a need to make hard choices.

That is reality.
I hope they gave him the heart of a liberal--either he'll reject it and die, or realize he's a piece of **** and repent........and I pray for the person next on the list that got bumped and perhaps died.