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I must confess.......

See the book on the left, that is a bank book. It records deposits and withdraws. The teller puts the book into a little computer and it prints out your balance.

Totally makes my life easier to have one since we have more then one acct and we run a small business. I need to see a book vs. statements.

You mean the book that shows the deposits from 1939--which is about when I thought they stopped doing this.:hah:

Seriously I'll have to remember that PNC still does this--I do get asked from time to time--by 90 year old women. :hides:
No online banking here....still use bank book. I think I am the last hold out at work to not have direct deposit too.
No online banking here....still use bank book. I think I am the last hold out at work to not have direct deposit too.

My DH's company doesn't give us a choice. It is all deposit and there's no paper slips to come home.................only online ****. So if I wanna see the difference between the new SS, I have to log on..............not happy about that.
I threw someone under the bus yesterday too.

**** it felt good.

Tired of their BS.

I slept really well last night!
My DH's company doesn't give us a choice. It is all deposit and there's no paper slips to come home.................only online ****. So if I wanna see the difference between the new SS, I have to log on..............not happy about that.

Same here
I get Britney Spears stuck in my head every time I see this thread :gah:
I threw someone under the bus yesterday too.

**** it felt good.

Tired of their BS.

I slept really well last night!

Good for you. It sucks to keep things pent up inside especially when your dealing with a self righteous **** from hell that only sees herself as perfect.
We don't have direct deposit at work. We've had to structure DH's student loan disbursements to look like direct deposits to avoid fees on our stupid checking account.

I haven't used a check register or book to balance my checkbook in at least ten years.

And I'm another one who hates talking on the phone. AT work it is something of a problem, but I am awkward and sound stupid to myself on the phone.
...I threw someone under the bus. That's right. I was THAT person. And i don't care. I'm tired of following rules and policies and some new little know it all walks in and walks all over rules and policies with a sassy attitude. Guess what? I'm here for the future of the kids, not for myself. So bite me, biotch.

Well don't leave us hanging :bee:
I don't own one debit card (too easy to spend $), I use a check book or 3, I lost $1k cash somewhere in my house and can't find it (hid it so I wouldn't spend it until I needed it) and I hate talking on the phone so I'm always multi-tasking and not paying full attention to who I'm talking too.

Dh keeps asking about the $1k because I have a bill due and I keep saying don't worry, it's here somewhere. I need to turn this joint (my bedroom and bathroom) upside down. This getting older thing (maybe a menopause thing) and not remembering **** it sucking!
We don't have debit cards either. Don't miss not having one and :lol: on the losing money in your own house because we all put stuff away and send days looking for said lost thing. I still haven't been able to find the extra hairdryer.
I found $400 last year cleaning out my makeup drawer that I have no idea where it came from or why or when I put it there...nice surprise though.
No debit cards here either...No ATM @ our bank, so what's the point...If I need cash, I can write a check @ any business in town, the C-Store opens @ 5AM & the bar's open until 1AM, so cash is readily available...

DH has no cell phone and refuses to get one...he does wear a pager...
My confession, well, one of them :snort: is..............
I am so NOT liking my neighbor right now. She is such a self absorbed, ignorant ****. Ugh.............

You know the kind. One example why--our houses share a driveway. She is so FREAKING lazy and she always parks her car right in the middle of the drive, right by her back door because God forbid she would actually have to walk anywhere. And even if she sees me getting home and trying to pull into the driveway, she will NOT move until she is ready. BUT, the one time my dad parked in the driveway (and he was not parked, waiting in the running car for my mom so she did not have to walk down the icy driveway) this **** neighbor had the nerve to pull behind my dad and lay on the horn. :pms: She could see my mom walking down my steps. All the times her or her dad have blocked me out of my driveway part and I have never once honked at her. I would just park in front of the house and walk to my back door. Can she do this ?? Nope---LAZY.

And one more thing. She was a very large girl, she had gastric bypass surgery last summer. Now, all of a sudden she is being a RAG to her friends (my sister is one of them) explaining to them the proper way to lose weight--all "do this exercise, eat this food, this is how I did it". Yeah, uhm, ok. Get your stomach cut out/stapled and then all of a sudden YOU are the expert at weight loss. Again, LAZY....

ACKKKK..........................I just cannot stand her anymore and it takes ALOT for me to dislike a person. And I am not judging anyone here, thinking I am better than anyone or sterotyping, just this one particular WITCH !!

That is all.........rant is over.........THANKS !! :girl:
I HATE people that mess with our driveway too. Its a private driveway which means that the space in front of the driveway is NOT a parking space.

I was sooo mad that I took pictures went to our trustees and now we have a law that you can't be anywhere near the driveway without getting a ticket. Now that people have gotten tickets they have finally learned that you can't park and block us. UGH I can go on for days with rants but I'm done now. Have to scout out more Dollar Trees for Belvita, can't find any. :(
Happy to report that I did NOT lose the bank book DH had it all along! I'm not one to ever lose anything so it was strange when couldn't find it.

I still can't find the extra blowdryer but I did find my missing jeans (DD closet) missing sweater (in a laundry basket) and my mom's placard (in an envie in the house) so I never lose stuff I just can't remember where I put them. :snort:
UMMM...the 2lb tray of pixies is.......ummmm...... gone...:hides:
I just finished hanging up and putting away DD's clothes in her own closet and dresser. This is the first time her current clothes have ever been in her own room. She's 2 years and 4 months old! They were always in a dresser in our room, just like her brother's were before she was born.

While she naps I need to move some of DS's clothes into his closet too. He has a Trofast system in his room, but to stage it I think we're going to need to put actual toys in his room instead of keeping them all in the playroom downstairs.