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Ideas to make extra money at home...

So, MrsRed, how much is a reasonable price to pay for an eyebrow waxing?

DD17 used to get it done for $12 at the salon my kids get their hair cut. Now it's $18. I think that is a lot? I bought DD13 a box of DIY eyebrow strips & told her to knock herself out, cuz I'm not paying $18. :p

$16 when i did it for my wedding
it wasnt a good job either
Seems like that should be worth a helluva lot more than $6000. ::???:
If you graduated from certain colleges your eggs are worth a great deal more than $6,000, I've read stories about them being worth $50,000 or more.

Creeps me out that some folks would pay that much money instead of adopting a child already born who needs a family. Is it the experience of pregnancy & childbirth they crave, or the desire to propagate their husband's DNA?
Having gone thru infertility and IVF I can understand those that want the eggs to try to have a biological child. It is no different than using a sperm donor. Having taken the drugs to stimulate my eggs the only difficult thing was taking the shots for the hormones and the mood swings with the high hormone levels. The egg retrieveal process was pretty simple. I am way to old to do this now but it is an option.
Such a complicated issue - I can really understand the drive to have a baby of your "own" but of course so many babies need homes....it's tough. My GF struggled for years to have a baby, she even felt guilty that somehow she wasn't "good enough" too adopt someone's child - she IS. Finally adopted a beautiful girl two years ago and never gave childbirth or any of that another thought - she is that girls mother in every way that matters. It's awesome to watch.
If you graduated from certain colleges your eggs are worth a great deal more than $6,000, I've read stories about them being worth $50,000 or more.

Creeps me out that some folks would pay that much money instead of adopting a child already born who needs a family. Is it the experience of pregnancy & childbirth they crave, or the desire to propagate their husband's DNA?

If it's the experience of pregnancy & childbirth, I get it. I LOVED being pregnant...............it's like nothing else in the world. :bliss:

Or if it's the desire to continue their DH's gene legacy..............why not?

It's a very personal decision.
And...just to add my opinion...the adoption process is not as easy as it sounds. My aunt and uncle tried everything to have a child of their own. It took years to finally adopt. They wanted more, but by the time they got their son, they were in the "old" category and no one would pick them. They didn't want to spend their life savings to adopt from out of the country.

As far as adopting an older child that's in foster care, high have the deepest respect for people who do that. But, I know from a very close friend of mine that it's not easy. She is (was) a foster parent to two little girls, ages 1 and 2 when she got them. She had them for 6 months and just couldn't do it anymore. Both of these little girls came from a very abusive, neglected home. My friend tried EVERYTHING with these girls. The 1yo did just fine, but the 2yo had so many issues at this young age that my friend (who is single and doing it on her own) could not handle her. It's very very sad and unfortunate. My point to this story is that it's not as easy as people to assume to adopt a newborn baby that is not in the system.
DH and I started the foster process over a year ago. We didn't get very far...it's incredibly time consuming- there was never a class schedule that fit with our schedules. We're going to look into it again, though...it's something we really want to do, something I personally "need" to do...it's just a matter of doing it. I feel like we're never going to be "less busy" so we need to bite the bullet and get on it. Too many kids need loving homes.

As for the egg donation, I had a friend who did this twice in college. It went well both times for her. I never did it- I would have, but ex-husband was against it and now I think I am too old. (35) I wish I'd done it when ex-h and I split. I've seen adds/websites for surrogates. That is big money- $30k. I know you can't put a price on how badly someone wants a child 'of their own,' but who can afford that? I guess it's an option when you start looking at how much overseas adoptions cost.
If it's the experience of pregnancy & childbirth, I get it. I LOVED being pregnant...............it's like nothing else in the world. :bliss:
Me too, I loved being pregnant. I feel good while pregnant and everything in the world seems fine BUT delivery is always a different story. There's always something that goes wrong when the stork comes :giggles:

Getting prego and delivery is nothing to compare to raising a child. That is the hard part for most parents :surrender:

For those that are money savvy and have talent for writing, there are finance sites that are hiring writers and pay very well. These are sites with subscription so they can afford to pay writers for well written articles.
I've been stuck at home all day today with a really bad cold. DH took a sick day to get the kids ready this a.m and took younger DS to pre-K. Got lunch and dinner ready too. I've been left alone to clip coupons, watch tv, nap, do surveys, and otherwise just rest on the sofa. It's actually been really nice. :)

So I've been hitting the previously mentioned survey site off and on today since I couldn't go out ... maybe spent a little over an hour combined on it at various times today. Anyway, from all the surveys I did today alone, I was able to cash out for 20.00 Paypal and I received the money instantly and already transferred it to my checking account. It should be available in 48 hours.

Every little bit helps ...
Since I know that I am having a boy and this is the last one, I am going through my daughter's clothes, pricing them and selling them. I have saved every single thing she's owned sizes 0-5. I've already had two friends come over and have sold almost $200 worth of stuff and hope to sell a lot more over the weekend. The rest will go in a garage sale this summer. Wow, does my basement have more room now that I am pulling these tubs of clothes out!!
I had a decent month with the previously mentioned survey website. I had a few issues with some surveys not crediting properly but other than that, I managed to cash out for 110.00 in Paypal and November was a pretty busy month for me with 2 family birthdays and a holiday thrown in there.

Hoping December will be equally as good but the kids will be out of school for 2 weeks so that means less time to mess around on the computer ... LOL.

I would like to start selling on Ebay after the new year. I'd like to do it right now but my house is just a little too messy and there's too much going on with the holidays right around the corner.

I've got 31.50 and really happy.

I've got 31.50 and really happy.

31.50 isn't too shabby IMO!

Glad it's working out for you.

Some tips:

Check for new surveys often. Even if you just checked, check again 20 minutes later and a new one might open up. I check throughout the day.

When you finish a survey and they ask if you want to do another one, ALWAYS click "no thanks" even if you WANT to do another survey. This gives you a chance to "win" points and you can still go and take another survey afterwards. The past 2 weeks, I won 10, 20, and 10 points by doing so and that really adds up.

If I think of more, I'll add later.
Thanks. never knew about the no thanks thing.
Amazon is off the redeemable list. Paypal is still there.
I have been having such issues with them. My dashboard is stuck on the same set of qualifying questions and I can't get past them. This has been happening for the last week or so. I am so frustrated with them.
Amazon is off the redeemable list. Paypal is still there.

That's fine with me. I've always redeemed for checks before anyway and Paypal is even better now. Don't get me wrong ... I love Amazon and buy too much crap off there but I'd rather have cold hard cash and spend that however I please rather than be forced to buy things off Amazon.
I have been having such issues with them. My dashboard is stuck on the same set of qualifying questions and I can't get past them. This has been happening for the last week or so. I am so frustrated with them.

I'm sorry. Maybe you can email or call them and see what's going on.
Amazon is off the redeemable list. Paypal is still there.

FYI, I just requested another Paypal today and Amazon IS back on there as of a few minutes ago ... 5.00 minimum redemption.

Just in case you wanted to redeem for some Amazon.