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idiot drivers

spunkey monkey

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ok i dont know if any other towns but on the main road through the town is 5 lanes 2 going north 2 going south and one in the middle for turning. so i am driving to work to day and i am going north and this guy speeds up gets on my bumper and then goes into the passing lane and then zips infront of me. then i get infront of work and go into the turn lane and there is someone going south driving in the turn lane luckilly they noticed me and slammed on their breaks before they ran into me. both of these drivers just happened to be men dressed in orange and from illinios wich means hunting season is opening and all the idiots from the cities will be invading the roads and driving like maniacs.
Any man dressed in orange and toting a shot gun is an idiot anyway!
thats not true, the local hunters respect other drivers for the most part if they get wasted they stay at camp and dont go hunting that day now big city hunters dont respect anyone shoot at anything that moves get wasted and then go hunting
I am opposed to hunting so I think they are all f'ing IDIOTS!
we need hunters around here otherwise even more deer would become road kill
My brother and his son used to be the macho duo going out shooting pheasant and deer. My Uncle did it once and refused to go again. I have never handled a gun with the exception of a "Saturday night special" that a detective friend of mine wore strapped on his ankle. ( I think they were called Saturday Night Specials) It was just a small hand gun not a revolver.

I realize hunting is necessary to thin out the deer however I don't like to think about killing an animal. Naturally I suppose it is more humane than having them become overpopulated and starve to death from the lack of a food source but again I don't like to dwell on it.
i can understand that and i am opposed to hunting when people dont eat the deer they just shoot it and cut off the antlers and mount them
So you picked that up did you and I didn't have to say a thing! LOL
acctually i realized it after i wrote it but i was just too lazy to go back and try to reword it
Well, I would have to say that hunters are great! But, I grew up with them in my family. As a matter of fact, my husband is one of those f*n idiots out there today!! BIG DAY TODAY as everyone knows.. at least if you are from here. LOL. But I am absolutely against killing animals if you have no intention of eating them. Which brings me to this.. I was driving to work this morning and what did I see on the side of the road? A deer in a black garbage bag.... it pissed me off because you know that someone cut the **** antlers off and dropped it there... If I could catch the person that did it.. I would have fun with them!
If a person needs the food and will use the meat then I am not opposed to hunting. Fortunately I don't have to hunt. If there were no hunting then we would be over run with deer. That would have disastrous results on both the deer and the residents of the community. Needless killing of animals sickens me. Some people should never be allowed a gun license.
I guess i have to ask why your so oppoesed to hunting.

I don't see anything wrong with it as long as everything which gets shot gets eaten. I hunt and usually what gets shot is eaten that night. Hunting is also a part of the culture here. I just don't see what you think i so bad about hunting.

About bad drivers though it's not just hunters from the city who are bad drivers. My father drives a truck and some of the things he tells about seeing people do are pretty amazing.
If you are able to raise a shot gun and look a poor defenseless animal in the eye and pull the trigger then be my guest. I could never do it. That's just me. I can't even disciple my cats! I have never raised a hand to anyone so I can't see myself raising a gun. Period. If you can OK. Fortunately we don't have to do it to survive or else I would perish. It's that simple.
if my familly and i had no food i would shoot an animal i would hunt now if i had the chance i always wanted to learn how to shoot a gun, i dont have a prolem with anyone killing an animal as long as they plan to eat it
I think I would become a vegetarian! No offense to anyone who could kill for food.