you need to change pads much more often than six hours- every 2 is more accurate.
basically, women should either buy pads/tampons or get a diva cup or make things at home?
yet instead of practising other safe sex methods such as oral, abstinence, mutual masturbation, hands, toys, etc, condoms are free?
is this a form of 'shut up women, since you use condoms as well you shouldn't be complaining about things such as this'?
people don't HAVE to use condoms, they don't HAVE to buy condoms, yet they're offered for free.
women HAVE to use some sort of tampon/pad/cup/cloth pads, yet they still have to pay.
what i want to know are reasons tampons and pads are NOT free. not reasons why condoms are in their stead, but just in general why we have to either purchase them, or purchase an alternative.
is it honestly all about capitalism and profit? because having condoms free must have a terrific impact on the economy.
is it truly good ol' supply and demand?
because honestly i find it quite bull hunky that something used for mainly recreational purposes can be handed out for free yet something that is honest to god necessary isn't.
and i highly doubt suddenly having tampons/pads being free will create such a domino effect that all necessities will be free as well.
perhaps it's because it's all too close to socialism; women wanting things for free when they're raising a red flag in their panties definitely raises a red flag itself.
or is this all a very thinly veiled male sex drive versus the female emotional instability and period?
i may or may not be reading too much into it all, but that's what i'm starting to get from all this.
Two words: Baby boomers. If society becomes too populated, that hurts the economy. If there are more cases of STI's, that hurts the well-being of the society. Also, I never said it would create a domino effect. I'm showing you how dumb it is to compare condoms with tampons or pads. Sex protection is more important to the economy than tampons and pads because the direct correlation of supply/demand waivers on the human population. It depends on how you look at things, really. Personally, I think most things are only for capital profit. Yes people don't HAVE to buy condoms, but people don't HAVE to do anything. You say condoms aren't a necessity, but jump 50 years in the future if we price condoms. With more population, the environment, society, suppy/demand, animal extinction, etc. etc. will rapidly increase. At this point, you would consider birth control a necessity. You're looking through this with too small a scope. Think about the longevity of society as opposed to the, "now." If it were me, I would say the whole humanity needs to be reorganized on how things should cost and be used, but I'm not in that position. Sorry. You didn't ask to get periods, I didn't ask to be blamed for other men.