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IL smokers PSA

There were a lot of roll your own stores that popped up in this area not that long ago. They had signs promoting $40/carton - which is ridiculously cheap for this area. It looks like those businesses will be going belly up soon thanks to our fearless leader.


A tiny amendment buried in the federal transportation bill to be signed today by President Barack Obama will put operators of roll-your-own cigarette operations in Las Vegas and nationwide out of business at midnight.
Robert Weissen, with his brothers and other partners, own nine Sin City Cigarette Factory locations in Southern Nevada, including six in Las Vegas, and one in Hawaii. He said when the bill is signed their only choice is to turn off their 20 RYO Filling Station machines and lay off more than 40 employees.
"We'll stay open for about another week to sell tubes and tobacco just to get through our inventory, but without the use of the RYO machines, we won't be staying open," he said.
The machines are used by customers who buy loose tobacco and paper tubes from the shop and then turn out a carton of finished cigarettes in as little as 10 minutes, often varying the blend to suit their taste. Savings are substantial - at $23 per carton, half the cost of a name-brand smoke - in part because loose tobacco is taxed at a lower rate.

(there's more to the article at the link above)
I pay $33.00 for a carton of ML....thru MY source!.....and YES I KNOW I SHOULD STOP!!!...and probably will after the move to Florida....no source. :pout:....as of YET! :snicker:
I pay $33.00 for a carton of ML....thru MY source!.....and YES I KNOW I SHOULD STOP!!!...and probably will after the move to Florida....no source. :pout:....as of YET! :snicker:

YOU smoke too?!!! ****, I thought you were Mr. Healthy! :nopompom:
A tiny amendment buried in the federal transportation bill to be signed today by President Barack Obama will put operators of roll-

Wait you mean that work was actually done in washington and they passed a bill. :pigfly:
YOU smoke too?!!! ****, I thought you were Mr. Healthy! :nopompom:

OH PLEASE!!!:snort: I'm Gay!!!! Everything I "do" is UN-healthy,....according to some folks!!!:lol:
Glad I quit. Sorry all, but it bothered me much more to have stank **** butts hanging around in my car stinking it to high heaven then not, and I know if you are a non-smoker you're thinking that it smells anyway. Well this is different. It's like wet dog to me. I freaking hate it. I also never smoked in my house for the same reason.

Anyhoo, I finally got one of the ashtrays that trapped the smell, but then I dumped that by accident one day inside my car and that was that. I went back to smoke & flick till I quit for good. :)
Glad I quit. Sorry all, but it bothered me much more to have stank **** butts hanging around in my car stinking it to high heaven then not, and I know if you are a non-smoker you're thinking that it smells anyway. Well this is different. It's like wet dog to me. I freaking hate it. I also never smoked in my house for the same reason.

Anyhoo, I finally got one of the ashtrays that trapped the smell, but then I dumped that by accident one day inside my car and that was that. I went back to smoke & flick till I quit for good. :)

Yep!!! Plus, I NEVER smoke in the house...EVER!
OH PLEASE!!!:snort: I'm Gay!!!! Everything I "do" is UN-healthy,....according to some folks!!!:lol:

Well I'm not "some folks".....pfft. :pout:
I pay $33.00 for a carton of ML....thru MY source!.....and YES I KNOW I SHOULD STOP!!!...and probably will after the move to Florida....no source. :pout:....as of YET! :snicker:

I need a source!
Good to know Jill. Ok guys so tell me what brand and where do I buy the stuff? :dunce:
No idea on brand since I'm a non-smoker :lol: I just know I've picked it up for my dad a few times and he had to be very specific about it if he wanted the right stuff. He'd tell me things like go to this gas station, pick up the small bag of tobacco in this color bag. So around here some gas stations sell it and some smoke shops. btw one of the smoke shops around here just got into trouble for selling the fake marijuana, it was all over the news recently.
they were bizzy firehosing down all of country thunder yesterday just to ensure that drunkin idjits would not combust thimselffs in the campground area especially the tent area. i was expecting a giant POOF AND WHOOOF and all dems be gone in one fell swoop unless the blessed and already guaranteed rain came last night. it was a given that it would rain 3 inches on country blunder eve. lucky for them. now all they have to look forward to are date rape drugs, excessive drunkeness, porta pottipocalypse, and oh yeah, that country muzak. i kin hear thee banjoes already and it ain't evin commenced yit. fortunately the corn has perked up and my perennials are looking better already. glad thunder is underway.
country blunder :lol: