'Illegal' Immigration

Hermie, I actually see America as a melting pot of cultures. There are things that are "American" about this place, but each individual brings something unique...something that is just their's. This speaks of a duality, in a way....a duality of cultures. I firmly believe "when in Rome, do as the Romans do," but I also believe in keeping other cultural ideas fully intact. Good intellectual discussion, y'all.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
I don't agree Hermie.
With that example of ladyserenity's, sure, they should know better, but I don't think that's a cultural thing. I'm sure there are plenty of Americans that would do the same.

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

PIT, while it is true that there are "americanized" people who would do the same thing, in my example above it is a cultural thing. That is what is typical of the culture. (and I really don't want to say where they were from)
One of the things I love about south Florida is the widely diverse ethnic and cultural make-up. The vast majority of immigrants in the area we live have assimilated the American culture, while maintaining their home culture at the same time. I think that's great. Where I work we celebrate our diversity, and have theme weeks and such to learn about each other. Many neighborhoods are blend of people from all over. It's really neat!
Unfortunately, not too far away is the opposite. I'm not going to refuse to deal with someone because they aren't replicas of me...and I resent someone refusing me service because I don't speak fluent Spanish or Creole.
Doesn't it take all kinds to make up the world?
But, I still come back to the issue of immigrants refusing to speak the language, abide by the laws, and adapting. I just have a real problem with that.

EGADS!! I'm agreeing with, (gulp) a conservative???

Like JHowse said, this is a good discussion.

I wander, therefore I roam.
I came, I saw, I conquered, I rule!
me !~the coke goddess~!
my son !~the Trumpet God~!
Well, it's about TIME you guys showed your *true* colors and agreed with me. And to think I've been called the lone conservative around these parts -- riiiiiight

monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
KNSinatra: you lie.
monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

En fuego, bebe.
I would still disagree, ladyserenity.
I can't see littering, in any form, being cultural.
As far as speaking the language and abiding the laws, wouldn't it be better to blame the individuals rather than immigrants as a whole, and treat the problem?

But adapting...I have a problem with that.
Speaking the language, yes (in some form). Abiding by the laws, yes (of course). Adapting, however, is a matter of choice.

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

There is a particular island culture that does litter...as silly as that sounds. People just drop trash wherever they might be.
Some groups of immigrants, individual and collectively, have a high disregard for our laws and our way of life. (why they come here i$ beyond me) Unfortunately our courts are clogged with treating the problem.
When I say adapting, I mean speaking the language, abiding by the laws, basically fitting in to the outside world. I would be the last person to want someone to disregard their own culture. Maybe a better example would be...say I planned on attending a private dinner party where the attire was "red only." I would feel obligated to wear red out of respect for the host.
PIT, I think we basically agree.

hmmmmmm...I'm wondering if KNS is really a liberal???

I wander, therefore I roam.
I came, I saw, I conquered, I rule!
me !~the coke goddess~!
my son !~the Trumpet God~!