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I'm back....Thanks for understanding

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Thank you Diafel, Possumdog and Kevin for all of your points and support. They are appreciated
I agree Pro, your post was nothing but an attack, and your one of the ones I usually enjoy reading.
Thunder Hag said:
I agree Pro, your post was nothing but an attack, and your one of the ones I usually enjoy reading.

I too normally enjoy reading Pro's posts. Believe it or not I don't think he meant an attack at all ( I've kind of figured out his posting style) but the post was presented in such an incredibly bad way that it reads like one.

He may not think cats are special ( I disagree- I'm one who can read their subtle body language and know that they are all have unique personalities) but many are like that. He also expressed his concern over her health. It was just that the presentation of his thoughts and suggestions on the matter was off-putting.

I don't think he actually meant any ill will, just didn't communicate well.
KjAthena said:
I realize I/We are the only ones that can help....but have no problems asking for suggestions from those that may see things from a diffrent angle

Yet, you baulk whenever faced with a "different angle?"
I suspect what you really want in "support" is an enabling point of view?

For one thing, you awlays want to change things and people over which you have no control: "pirates", your neighbors, rules, opinions, or the way they are perceived. Along with that comes a lot of blame inevitably needing someone it can be put on. The idea of you rallying your neighbor's to "stand" against the new comers is a fairly consistent theme with you. Seriously, the issues you raise with your new neighbors are so small I find it hard to belive it's "all their fault." I doubt there is anything your local "pirate" is doing other than "existing" which disturbs you. Perhaps it's just time to surrender this control you're seeking and focus on what you already have?

About your cat:
Each time my uncle's pet died, he replaced his dog with the identical breed, gave it the same name, and trained it the same way. Given this opportunity, each and every one of these animals rose to that same "special" place in the family. My uncle's probably an extreme example of what makes pets "special" - that being the role we assign them in our lives. I'm sorry you lost your cat, But, the "role" remains and you can be grateful that there was (and still are) animals able to step up to it. Grief is understandable. Then, comes the time to decide whether you will stay focused on the losses or be grateful for the gains and opportunities.
Proformance...every person on this forum has skills and abilities that I personally have found to usefull in one way or another. As JoeC has pointed out taking your "posting Style into consideration" I have given you a "pass" so to speak many times
It is my opinion at this point that you have elevated being caustic/nasty/mean and abusive to an art form...it makes me wonder how you can be receiving anything positive in your 3-D life due to your mind set. I do have an " attitude of gratitude " in my day to day life and most of those who know me consider me somewhat of a "Pollyanna" Remember you will reap what you sew threefold. I will not be responding to another of your posts as I realize when my words are wasted.
Goodbye Proformance...peace to you on your path
He said he was leaving too. ( sigh)

He tells us to be professional and do this, not that. Look at something this way, not that.

His examples ( posts) of how he lives what he preaches just don't seem match.

"we preach what we most need to learn"
His whole philosophy reeks to me of too many Al-Anon type meetings.....
If a man has integrity, nothing else matters.

If a man has NO integrity, nothing else matters.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In regards to animals, I will agree to disagree.

I know for a FACT that dogs have personalities and can reason, as I have personally witnessed it for myself.

I will site a couple of examples from my own dog.

When my dog was a puppy he had a habit of dragging things out into the yard thru his dog door. *he still does, just not as much*. One day i gave him a particularly large bone, and told him to take it outside, so he took the bone in his mouth length wise, and headed towards the door. Of course, the bone was too big to go lengthwise, and after several failed attempted, he sat down and stared at the door. After several minutes, he picked up the bone again faceing the OTHER way, stuffed his face thru the door, let go of the bone and then went thru the door by himself.

Another time, I used to leave food on the kitchen table, which if left unsupervised would be snatched by my dog, because he had figured out that he could get onto the table by jumping up on a chair and then onto the table.

To fix this problem, I started pushing all the chairs all the way in. Well one day i hear this scraping noise and when I go to investigate, I saw my dog bumping a chair with his nose, until it was far enough out that he could jump onto it and up on to the table..

After that, i started leaving the chairs a long way out, so he couldn't jump onto the table from a chair. But the next day, i heard the scraping noise and he was pushing the chair the OTHER way until it was close enough to the table to jump up.

After that I just made sure I stopped putting food on the table at all, and he stopped moving the chairs.

The one that really blows my mind tho was I used to keep the toilet paper in a room with a cupboard with no back on it, which was close to a heating vent, so I had to leave a bit of space, but not enough for anything to get thru.

I came back one day to find my ENTIRE yard absolutely covered with TP *some of it was hanging from trees that were several feet high* so I naturally assumed that some local children had done it cause nothing seemed out of place.

the next day i heard a thumping noise, and when I went to look my dog was moving the cabinet, grabbed a roll of TP went thru the dog door, came back AND PUSHED THE CABINET BACK TO WHERE IT WAS.

I am not making this up. If I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes, i wouldn't have believed it myself.

take care

-James[COLOR=#CC3299 ! important][/COLOR]
There are people who can understand and bond with animals, and those who can't- and neither can understand the other. Personally, if my furry buddies are uncomfortable around someone, I make it a point to keep an eye on that someone.
KjAthena said:
Proformance...every person on this forum has skills and abilities that I personally have found to usefull in one way or another. As JoeC has pointed out taking your "posting Style into consideration" I have given you a "pass" so to speak many times
It is my opinion at this point that you have elevated being caustic/nasty/mean and abusive to an art form...it makes me wonder how you can be receiving anything positive in your 3-D life due to your mind set. I do have an " attitude of gratitude " in my day to day life and most of those who know me consider me somewhat of a "Pollyanna" Remember you will reap what you sew threefold. I will not be responding to another of your posts as I realize when my words are wasted.
Goodbye Proformance...peace to you on your path

Interesting how you can switch positions so quickly....

On one hand - in regard to your posts, you can say that you are simply "thick skinned and butally honest" but when someone else is, they are "mean and nasty."
Chip...even thick skinned people reach there limit....Proformance's posts to not only me but others has led me to my decision to not respond to him any further. No switching positions here
KjAthena said:
Proformance...every person on this forum has skills and abilities that I personally have found to usefull in one way or another. As JoeC has pointed out taking your "posting Style into consideration" I have given you a "pass" so to speak many times
It is my opinion at this point that you have elevated being caustic/nasty/mean and abusive to an art form...it makes me wonder how you can be receiving anything positive in your 3-D life due to your mind set. I do have an " attitude of gratitude " in my day to day life and most of those who know me consider me somewhat of a "Pollyanna" Remember you will reap what you sew threefold. I will not be responding to another of your posts as I realize when my words are wasted.
Goodbye Proformance...peace to you on your path

I find an intense duplicity in your words and your outlook.

The constant casting of incantations {EX: reap what you sew} at those who disagree with you is not clever or benevolent. It's a transparent devaluation and vain (caustic/nasty/mean) invocation of some unknown mystical force to exact retribution where you yourself have no real power or posse. Does it seem likley that such higher powers would freelance in this fashion?

Not only does "Polyanna" in common usage today mean: dellusional or naive but, the charcater Polyanna and her power is also fiction/fantasy. I'm not sure why you choose to identify with that when you could obvioulsy bring so much more to the table?
Mantis1 said:
Still in departure mode I see.

Just so you're aware, Proformance was asked to remain here. Apparently, this is a problem for you? If you don't like his posts, then by all means, put him on ignore... but you can stop complaining anytime.
I personally have chosen not to ignore anybodys post...I did so at one time but rethought my position....I will just not reply to posts where It is obvious to me that I am wasting my time. I even still reply to you Chip.because although I do not agree with most of your posts...you provide "food for though" and a "window into the thought processes of the other side" we are on diffrent sides of the issue and I doubt either of us will be able to change each others beliefs but useful communication is a positive thing
c. staley said:
... but you can stop complaining anytime.

Ooooh thats rich. I need to save a copy of this for later use. :)

A mans word is only as good as the actions he takes to stand by them.

Maybe he could "man up" and at least say "i changed my mind" or "I reconsidered " Or "go pound sand" or apologize for getting my hopes up, but he should say something.

I didn't see anyone ask him to stay ( sorry)

Is there no honor among sympathizers? Doh!
DJCC said:
Ooooh thats rich. I need to save a copy of this for later use. :)

Wasn't I banned (by you) in November for saying less than this and it was considered baiting?
Thunder Hag said:
Wasn't I banned (by you) in November for saying less than this and it was considered baiting?

Yes. I shall now give myself a self-imposed 3 day ban.
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