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I'm Back!


Chief Talker
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Hi everyone! Remember me? Sorry I was gone for so long! Just quite busy is all, with work and tutorng English. I've always enjoyed it here, so I thought I'd pop in again. Hope everyone is well! :) What have you all been up to?
Welcome back Panache. Things are good on my end -- pretty much the same old same old. :)
Welcome back, Panache! :)

For me, similar to Dan: Same old, same old! ;)

I'm currently beginning my 3rd year of employment at the group of companies I work for (which makes it my second longest employment so far), plus I created a spare-time business for IT services in case I need more money.

I'm also trying to learn Japanese again, I've begun riding bicycle again (which I really loved when I was a teen), and I'm interested in left-wing politics (democratic socialism). I've never been member of a party, but I'm playing with the idea to join THE LEFT party ("DIE LINKE") ... I'm not sure yet though b/c if I join I have to support ALL of their agenda. :D

I have some relatives in Eastern Germany which I visited recently, and I still fondly remember some good aspects of the GDR (the socialist Eastern part of formerly divided Germany), and I've begun reading a left-wing newspaper, New Germany ("Neues Deutschland"), which used to be GDR's government newspaper. ;) (I couldn't resist when I found out that it still exists. ;) )

For an American, THE LEFT must appear uber-communist, but communism is far away from socialism or democratic socialism. Actual communists would do away with our economic system completely, and also the government, but that's a left-wingers wet dream that is almost as unattainable in present day as sheer anarchy (or guided anarchy).
Nice to see you have returned here safe and well. Here's hoping that the kids you are tutoring aren't giving you a hard time.
Nope, no hard tîmes from the student :) The person I'm tutoring is actually a middle-aged woman from Colombia. She's a beginner, so it makes lesson planning quite fun, since I get to use cool ways to teach her English.Glad to hear everyone's doing well!


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