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Hey everybody, others will know me as "Tooey" from other forums, but I recently had a forum name change to "Tommy"
I came here because Shane held me at gun point :(....and this place looks friggen suhweet :D
Welcome me...please...? :freaked:
Great to have you as a member Tommy... welcome here :)

...and nice sig *drools*
Erm welcome Tommy *attempts to turn head away from Tommy's sig*
**** **** ****!

Oh uh.... welcome. Now back to your sig.
*cover eyes as he welcomes Tommy*

Um..Hi tommy...ur sig is teh devil!!11!1!..j/k
Welcome Tooey/Tommy......I think I know you......Lesbo sig?....You must be a friend of Adrians......:D
****!! now that is a sig!

"I came here because Shane held me at gun point"

i did?? **** i must have done it in my sleep or something...
Shane did it because he wanted beatin' material.

Anyway, welcome to GXS, Tommy. Let's go back to getting it on, because i am the GXS ****..

--edited by shane ;)
Originally posted by Blondi
Welcome Tooey/Tommy......I think I know you......Lesbo sig?....You must be a friend of Adrians......:D

Dont insult me like that :poke:

Originally posted by Shane
****!! now that is a sig!

"I came here because Shane held me at gun point"

i did?? **** i must have done it in my sleep or something...

Yeah..sleep...that's right...:shifty:
Tommy is a ****! LIAR! LIAR! ****!

jk, welcome
Welcome you msay not know me but I hate you. Smetimes.