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IN GOD WE TRUST (live with it!)

I'm just going to note here that if the U.S. was founded on a religion that the religion would not be Christianity, but Deism.

Deist thinking has existed since ancient times and can be inferred from pre-Socratic philosophers such as Heraclitus. However, it was not until the modern era, during the European Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution, with their respective emphases on rigorous skepticism, deductive logic, and empiricism (experience/induction), that deism came into its own as a subject of philosophical discourse, particularly in France (Descartes, the Philosophes), Germany (Kant†, Leibniz), Great Britain (Hobbes, Hume‡), and the United States (Paine, Franklin).

Deism developed from the expanding influence of scientism in Europe and European colonial intellectual life. Newtonian physics, the intellectual basis and the aesthetic model for Enlightenment scientism, spread the idea that matter behaves in a mathematically predictable manner that can be understood by postulating laws of nature. Objectivity, natural equality, the prescription to treat like cases similarly are central principles of the Enlightenment mentality, ideas borrowed from Newton's observational/experimental method and put to use in all domains the Enlightenment mind scrutinized; these principles informed the development of the philosophy of deism. Exasperation with the costs of centuries of European religious warfare was a powerful recommendation for the new, objective frame for spiritual matters, a perspective the most notable minds of the time found appealing.
Deism was championed by Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and some of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are among the most well-known of the American founding deists. Thomas Paine published The Age of Reason, a treatise that popularized deism throughout America and Europe. Paine wrote that deism represented the application of reason to religion, finally settling problems that formerly were thought to be permanently controversial. Deists hoped to also settle religious questions permanently and scientifically by reason alone, without revelation.
The first six and four later presidents of the United States had strong deistic or allied beliefs.
- Wikipedia
Smo, that is all well and good but for each reason put forth there is an argument for the opposite. I believe when this country was founded there were few atheists about so it was written with Christians in mind. It merely states that the State would not interfere with one's right to worship. England at the time was vilifying anyone who was not Anglican I believe. The church and state were one ruling entity.
A few aethists...i seriously doubt that was enough compared to christians though Irish...
I am sorry Night but I don't understand your response enough to respond to it. I am unclear as to what you are attempting to convey.
Hmm...how to enter this one..

I dont believe that faith has any place inside a governing body, you are there as a representative of the people, you are not a representative of whichever god you happin to believe in. God did not elect you your piers did.

Going on that thought many of the actions of our ruling body are just puzzling, all the time you see laws and actions by the president and congress that are based on religion such as **** getting married, stem cell reasearch, cloning.

Seriously who does it hurt to allow Gay people the right to marry?

Things like "in god we trust" or "one nation under god" dont bother me as much as the feeling that freedom of religion, or the ability to not be persacuted based on religion are basically paid lip service now. I've lived in the bible belt of the United States and at times I have felt that I would be dragged off to a church and burned, i've seen people yelling at book store owners because they had the gall to have Wiccan books on the shelves. I've seen people burning Harry Potter books, and picketing the movies on opening day. i've seen articles in the city newspapers likening **** getting married to a farmer wanting to marry his horse.

You want to know why Christanity is under attack, it's because Christanity has been attacking everyone else for so long that sooner or later people get fed up with it and strike back.
True, but I don't think we should erase our history so Atheists and people of other faiths can feel comfortable.
I agree completely Chris. It is time that we stop being so concerned about what others think. It is a religious holiday and it is to celebrate the birth of Christ. Just because the atheists don't have anyone to celebrate - too bad. Get over it.You made your choice -now live with it - butt out of our choice.
It is a religious holiday and it is to celebrate the birth of Christ. Just because the atheists don't have anyone to celebrate - too bad.

I think you posted this in the wrong thread.
You are right

bob_gray said:
I think you posted this in the wrong thread.
My comment is in the wrong thread. Sorry.[/size][/font][/color]
There are 3 or 4 threads on similar topics and they seem to be merging into each other. Perhaps we should start a new thread regarding seperation of church and state (which is where they all seem to be headed).
Or maybe you should just let it go. Forums always changed we discussed this in another forum.
The thing was that there were 3 or so threads that were converging on the same topic, so the same arguments were being presented over and over, though sometimes with a slightly different "flavor" depending on the thread in question.
Maybe but any difference is still a difference. Don't worry yourself the forums will eventually get to a conclusion and end. At least most of the forums I seen.
I agree with smo. The thread is getting confusing. Christmas, separation of church and state are all meshing together. It is better to start it again.
Well all forums change sooner or later no stopping that. Forums just work like that.