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Gaming is more fun, if friends join us. But few games are best played individually..

So which type of gaming you prefer, I love to play with friends and have fun..
All hinges upon the game's genre and etc. I mean, if a game's made for group play, then its fun,if no the case, then you should play it alone.
Yes, but many go for multiplayer games to have fun with friends..i am one of them.
Jason said:
Yes, but many go for multiplayer games to have fun with friends..i am one of them.

well, I'm a loner, so yeah, I'd play it alone anyway.
Oh i see, have fun playing as a loner
No nothing sarcastic, regarding the game i meant it.. :D
Do you believe in other beings? (Ghosts, spirits, demons, etc)

I think I do believe that there are these types of things out there and I will provide some concrete evidence on why I think this lol.

When I was younger, my neighbor's brother went on a boat trip with some of his friends and somehow their boat overturned, when they tried to swim back up he could not, one of is buddies went under to see if something caught his leg and theres absolutely nothing, and there was no current. Two grown men could not pull him out. He passed away that day...

I'll post the other account later
Does nobody want to weigh in :p ?
Hi, I link not to belive in those beings, I try to look for a good explanation for some strange fenomenal, but sometimes I can't.
I have heard tetric lamments, and ago some years I was with some friends, and some strange things happend taht day, no can can explain it, a strnge wind and whistle and a slammed door.
Yer, I keep believin in the Melbourne Demons, I don't know why?
I don't know. I've had really weird things happen to me, but I'm not exactly sure if I believe in demons. I mean, like everyone I get that paranoid feeling of being watched and such, but I think that's just human fear built into us. I think of a lot of weird things happen because we want them to happen, ya know? The mind is very powerful, so I don't think it's completely impossible for our brain to fabricate something that doesn't exist. Kind of like, when you see a shadow in the corner of your eye but there's nothing there ... but now that you've noticed it, you keep seeing it.
The mind is powerful, too powerful for our own good really lol.

I'm one paranoid MFer haha, I never leave my house without a weapon at night, for some reason, at a young age, around 10 to 11 I became so paranoid about people or something attacking me that I made my mom enroll me in a Martials Arts class, and convinced my grandfather to teach me Muay Lao/Thai. Even though I can defend myself adequately, paranoia will always get the best of me.
Nicholas said:
The mind is powerful, too powerful for our own good really lol.

I'm one paranoid MFer haha, I never leave my house without a weapon at night, for some reason, at a young age, around 10 to 11 I became so paranoid about people or something attacking me that I made my mom enroll me in a Martials Arts class, and convinced my grandfather to teach me Muay Lao/Thai. Even though I can defend myself adequately, paranoia will always get the best of me.
I agree with that! There have been times when I know my mind has played tricks on me. But there have also been times when I wasn't alone when I saw something strange. So yeah, I believe spirits.
Bex said:
But there have also been times when I wasn't alone when I saw something strange.

What exactly did you see that caused you to believe? Also, you try recreating the situation to maybe see if it was just your eyes messing with you? I mean, if it was just a shadow then it could have just been something randomly passing by a window and such.
The first time I saw something strange was at my grandparents house when I was a kid. I was staying the night in their guest bedroom and saw a man's figure at the foot of the bed. I was too shocked to scream, move, do anything. It was like he disappeared in thin air. For a while I thought I had been dreaming until I saw him again, but in the living room. My sister was with me and she saw him/it also. He disappeared just the same as the first time. That house has always creeped me out, since I can remember. It always feels like someone is watching you.