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Internet Forums - Six Ways to Avoid Disaster



Don't Join Internet Forum Flame Wars

An Internet Forum flame war is to be avoided at all costs. The airing of differing points of view, debate and discussion are healthy things for an Internet forum: they keep it lively. An Internet forum flame war can make entertaining reading but don't be tempted to join in or start one.

Don't Make Jokes on an Internet Forum

Remember that the Internet forum has the same drawback as email: the reader can't see your expression or gestures. The smile, shrug or grimace which can lift your comment from serious to humorous will be missing and your message will be something which the reader has to interpret. If the reader gets it wrong, you might very well find that you just started your very own Internet forum flame war quite unintentionally.

Don't Be an Internet Forum Drama Queen

The Internet forum is not a suitable stage for you to perform your very own drama.
"I quit! This Sucks. I've done everything right. You will never hear from me again!†There will be kind people who feel the drama queen's pain and offer support and suggestions. When the drama queen makes a big re-entrance to the forum after a few days sulking, posts "I'm back!" and expresses a resolve to work diligently towards success, the kind people who offered support will feel that their advice must have done the trick. When the forum drama queen posts another "Goodbye Forever!" message, the same kind people will empathize as the drama queen is obviously being affected by an emotional roller coaster and they will offer further sound advice. The kind forum members will be pleased when the drama queen makes a further "I'm Back and Here to Stay!" recovery. By about the third or fourth "I Quit!" drama, even the kindest people will be wishing the drama queen had stayed quit the first time round and Internet forum credibility for the drama queen ends there.

Don't Be an Internet Forum Puppy

The annoying forum puppy will respond to every message posted whether he knows anything about the subject or not. He will post messages which are of no value to anyone, these messages will range from boring pointless observations to obscure drivel to requests to poll an unimportant question which bears no relevance to the forum.

Don't Be an Internet Forum Seconder

Mr. Me Too will post a response to every thread that appears on a forum. It won't take him long as he won't bother to read through the thread, all he will do is add a comment saying "me too" or "I agree! It is sadly true that the Internet forum puppy and Mr. Me Too will get their links on the Internet alongside the forum members who post meaningful messages.

Don't Attack the Internet Forum Moderators

If you have a message removed or edited by an Internet forum moderator, there will be a reason, so don't post complaints on the forum. Even if you don't understand or don't agree with the decision, there is no point in arguing.

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Looks like we have our share of "Drama Queens". I confess I have been guilty of that myself a couple of times over the past 13 months! LOL
No offense but I would categorize anyone that left a Drama Queen. Even more so the people that left and came back. Then on the other hand I am guilty of certain things. At least I never left.
You? Guilty? Why Chris, you are being so honest. Myself I am the drama Queen. Note the operative word is DRAMA not DRAG! (as I was referred to earlier this week!) LOL
Well everyone on this website is guilty of something. LOL Anglo Drag queen? Don't make me laugh. Your not weird enough to be a drag.
i think the bigger issues on this forum are puppies and me too-ers...*seals mouth to not name names*
Well I doubt things will ever change even if you make a whole post and list everyones name and say what they do wrong. Doubtful if this post will fix anything.
Rascal said:
i think the bigger issues on this forum are puppies and me too-ers...*seals mouth to not name names*

Me too!

... okay okay, c'mon, I'm just kidding! Aw man, I just made a joke too. I'm totally ruining these rules. Every forum has all of these people on it. I personally hate puppies and the me-too-ers, especially when they are called on it and pretend they have no idea what is going on. Those people obviously have no opinions of their own, and really shouldn't be on any forum, especially one such as this where you need your own opinions.
LOL - I am sure jokes that are explained so it is clear what the person is communicating are OK, Habit. I interpret the author's sentence to mean jokes or sarcasm that can be misinterpreted or heard the wrong way cause problems with some readers. Therefore it is best to avoid them if you can.

In this case it is clear you are not being sardonic; you are merely making a "funny" and you clearly clarified your intent. :thumbsup:
No, you just said very and at the time I thought you meant something else. You didn't quote it so I though it meant something else.
sorry.. when I "quoted" you on this thread *earlier* it was my first time trying to figure it out.. I'm not used to all that yet. lol
Oh its understandable, just thought you meant something.