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Internet Friends Or Real friends?


Established Talker
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Which do you prefer? Sometimes I like internet friends, although it is sad, just beacause they can't bone your girlfriend :)
real friends..internet friends dont mean a single thing to em.
i'm moving this to the lounge, because this isn't a debate really...
I like my real life friends better; I can actually see them. You guys are great, though; it's been a real experience so far.
internet friends will always learn of stuff first.
I fail to see any wierdness.

Anyway, all I have right now are Internet friends - Everyone I used to know lives too far away to meet, and since leaving school, I've realised they're all idiots.

I suppose when I get a job, hence cash, I'll go out and meet people.
They'll still be idiots, but I hope to meet some who can make me laugh anyway. And maybe improve my social stature too.
I prefer real friends. You can see them and actually talk to them about differnt things. I have some pretty close internet friends though. I have not met any of my internet friends though.
Yeah, that's one good thing about internet friends. Being around real friends is way better though.

5000th WG Post!
Either are ok to me. Somtime it is easier to talk to internet friends about things.
You can talk to internet friends about more things then real ones.... and you can make friends on the internet that sometime you would never even talk to in real life.
Internet friends. All my current "friends" are, sadly, quite stupid (or psychotic... *cough* Lyle). Only two or three of them are actually smart. :whomped: I need new friends... :(

All my internet friends -- while they're jerks sometimes -- are actually nice. Mr. Puffball is a ****0rt still though. :delight:
REal friends of course. Not to say I dont like my net friends. But I have more fun with my real ones. You cant go out and play or hang out, or have a game of footbal with net friends. No offense, but it seems like some of you REALLY need a life ( a real one, not a virtual stay on the comp all day life)
Yeah it has to be real friends. You can't really do much with internet friends but talk, and maybe play a game or too. Your options are limited.

Real friends though.. I mean there's no comparison. You go out, you do things, you have expierences together.
theres no way you can pick internet friends over real ones...that is of course if you have no real friends and the world has shunned you....

o ya... real friends
Real Friends OF COURSE

They are there actually, in the fleshm someone to hang arround and stuff

But internet friends are awesome also, because then you can ***** about your "real" friends and not get into any fights ;)
Originally posted by toothcake
Real Friends OF COURSE

They are there actually, in the fleshm someone to hang arround and stuff

But internet friends are awesome also, because then you can ***** about your "real" friends and not get into any fights ;)

haha, thats so true. Or you can trash your mom, eh Scat
