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Is god real to you?


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Hi Everyone,
Welcome to the thread where you can share your thoughts about god and if he's real or not. Please be constructive and not aggitate other users over what they believe in. Start posting below.
Have a great time!

~Fred :cool2::cool2:
Hey Fred, welcome.

In my mind God is real in spirit. He exists to people who believe. I just have a hard time believing.
Yes, He does exist, its just a matter of faith. Look around - a big bang didnt cause everything to be placed so perfectly. Just as there is an artist behind every painting/creation .... God exists, but is invisible to the eyes, He has left his imprints everywhere in this whole world.
Yes, He does exist, its just a matter of faith. Look around - a big bang didnt cause everything to be placed so perfectly. Just as there is an artist behind every painting/creation .... God exists, but is invisible to the eyes, He has left his imprints everywhere in this whole world.

Keep in mind we evolved over billions of years. Dinosaurs didn't come instantly.

The Bible was written by the same people that said the earth was flat, that should be proof enough.
In my view, which is based on the Seth Material, is that god (or All-That-Is, as Seth called it) exists, but that he/she/it encompasses everything that exists. Central to that is the view that the mind existed before matter was created. Seth once "wrote" an interesting article called "The Physical Universe as Idea Construction" and that got me hooked on that concept.

There are many, many things that cannot be explained by contemporary Western science yet, and I made many experiences that made me reflect on the actual reality as opposed to the artifical view of reality purported by scientists.

One of these experiences is that I can remember what I thought when I was in the womb of my mother. I also have vivid memories of the time when I was a toddler ( < 3 years old).

I had dreams in the womb of my mother that included vivid images of people and events. Now, the idea that we have to learn everything as we grow up would contradict that. I knew everything I needed to know in those dreams, and that was far more than what I could've known as an embryo.

Later on, when I was in the crib, as a baby or toddler, I had vivid impressions of things around me, not far into the distance, but I was able to see and recognize my surroundings clearly. This also might contradict scientific beliefs about what a baby or toddler can perceive.

I even remember how my daddy often carried me around on his shoulders and I had to puke from the vibrations. I remember how I learnt to breathe, which was a conscious process in the beginning, until it went subconscious. (This I believe is also the reason for sudden child death: Because some don't learn how to handle breathing.)

I often had visions that materialized between 6 months and 20 years (or more) later.

All of this keeps telling me that some scientific assumptions about the nature of reality are intrinsically wrong. (This is not a bad thing per se, b/c scientific views are changing all the time anyways.)

I have no proof that the god concept exists, but in my experience, the mind works just like Seth described it: Consciousness comes first, and the body is just a projection, a vessel that we can inhabit. The brain would be like an antenna for our consciousness, which resides only partially in what we call physical reality. Seth said there'd be measurable electromagnetic fields that would indicate that the physical portion of the mind would flicker about our bodies.

I think reality is much much greater, by orders of magnitude than what scientists are making out to be.

From the greater of view of things, most humans still believe the earth is flat, so to speak.

---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

One of Seth's key statements is that we create our own reality, and he meant it quite literally. This concept is hard to understand until you realize that you, in your body, is only a portion of your self. Your consciousness is far greater. Your mind is like the cursor on billions of branches of potential timelines, if you view it simple terms. Every decision you make, either conscious or subconscious, shifts that cursor around.

Seth said that when we're born we do not fully attach to our bodies until some time after (for me, it was on my 3rd birthday, when I began perceiving a steady, linear timeline). I also realized that the reality didn't seem to be fixed until that point. Why I chose to attach here when I was 3, I do not know.

Every thought or conviction you have can bring you into a different direction.

Our world is like a combined mindstate of all living beings involved.
I'd like to add to my previous post the following:

We perceive a 4D universe (3D space + time) only in agreement to that convention laid out when this part of reality was created. It allows us to serialize perception. If we wouldn't have that device, everything would happen at once, in the same instant. That's why our brain needs to keep memories, to provide a context for our perception.

Linear experience can be chosen for various reasons. One might be as a form of training for more complex environments. Another might be for fun.

The human being is unique (on Earth, at least) in that it can willfully choose the path it's taking. The act of reflection and choice isn't always obvious, but nonetheless it's there in every human. A dream is not what it appears to be; the dream state is our actual living environment, the wake state is the act of experiencing a preagreed set of events. This is even true for dire circumstances, when people get hurt, sick, die etc.; this is also a concept that is not generally understood here. Personal convictions, conscious or unconscious, often determine the path we're taking. For instance, if someone believes people are bad, they will make such experiences that appear to confirm their conviction; this is because the conviction was what brought about the events in the first place. This applies to all events. During waketime, it's often hard for us to see the forest from the trees, and I'm by far no exception (well, not at this moment).

The religions also fulfill a particular purpose. The purpose of the Christian religion was to establish a dominant ego. Without this, we could not have created the world we're living in now.

However, in the future, the dominant ego will submerge to the subconscious as it was millenia earlier ... this allows us to perceive what we created in a greater context.

Also, one interesting aspect in this world is it's pace ... it'll be very interesting to watch and experience in the forthcoming years, that's for sure.
I believe we created what people believe these days to be God simply out of the need for an explanation/purpose of life. Because if you think about it logically life has no purpose. We live to die. It's that simple. And from that we have evolved to believe that we are important, but in the grand scheme we mean nothing. So, I would say God = Hope. As for believing, I like to believe in some higher power out there, but there is no reason to believe there is one. Every religion in the world is built on lies and shams. They all have their own ulterior motives. Though, what bothers me the most is the way they are used to enslave the minds of those who follow them. And if you ask anyone who is a serious believer of their faith, they just blindly believe like its fact

I would imagine you could ask 100 people if they think the bible is fiction/or non fiction and 90% of them would tell you its non fiction. And never even attempt to question that. I mean if you think about it, if you believe in God/your religion, you are never truly motivated to fix anything that is wrong outside of your inner circle of life. You are told if you live a good life you will be rewarded in death. So, there is no need to do anything but live your life the way you think is good. This is complete and utter submission. By living this way you have dedicated your life to being a willing slave. And this is pretty much the basis of all religion(which by the way are all man made).

I just dont understand how we have reached this point. And if you ask me I think science would be a better religion. They deal only in facts that can be proven. But thats still flawed, but better. Or maybe we should worship one of the two things that are most important in our lives; the sun or planet earth. All of these make more sense if you ask me. But, these are just my opinions....
I think I did it on accident last night ..I was like zombiefied LOL
Thanks for reopening this thread, Brandon! It gives people opportunity to voice their opinions on their views on god or the general structure of reality (which is related).

I'd like to add something to my previous posts:

When I was taking a drug (I believe it was MaryJane + some unspecified drug) last year (I documented it on here while I was under the influence), my ego (that is normally in the subconscious from things I praticed with the Seth Material) had apparently vanished, and I had to make a conscious effort for anything like movements etc.; at first I thought I would die, but then I realized how it worked: I saw probable events from the immediate past as well as probable events from the immediate future, and I was able to consciously choose a path, something that would normally happen unconsciously. Time appeared to be cone-shaped. I could perceive events at the speed that I wanted. For instance, when I played music, the pace was unnaturally even. Also, when I looked at movie scenes, it was much more of an immersive experience, it felt as if I was actually there, feeling the presence of the people involved.

I saw it as another confirmation that Seth's view of the mind is correct.

Aside from the All-That-Is concept, Seth said we could view our inner self (our whole consciousness) as a personal god. This would also explain why praying works: Our inner self helps to turn our innermost wishes to actual reality. He said that with the intensity of expectance, the process can happen almost instantaneously.

About our post-mortem experience, Seth said that we would find ourselves in a different environment. This would also contradict the belief that life ends with death. Furthermore, he said that death would be a transformation, like birth. Note however, that I cannot recall anything from before the womb (except once as a kid I had a dream that grubs were crawling inside my body, which could be a reference to a previous - or forthcoming - death). It might be necessary to have a brain to store context memory. So, after death, will we live on as the distinct beings that we were during life? It might be that that what we perceive of our dream selves is what survives after death. I don't know.
Thanks for reopening this thread, Brandon! It gives people opportunity to voice their opinions on their views on god or the general structure of reality (which is related).
no problem
it's also been moved to the debate forums.
I can't wrap my head around the idea that things so organized could just happen. When crossing a barren desert, if you came to a house, furnished and stocked with everything you need to live, would you conclude it came about by chance, or somehow just created itself? No, you would conclude that someone with considerable wisdom and skill built it. Our "barren desert" is space; scientists have not yet found life on any of the planets of our solar system except the earth, and evidence suggests that the others are barren. Our beautiful planet is just the right distance from the sun for human life, and it moves at just the right speed to be held in orbit so it can continue to support human life. The atmosphere, of a kind only found around Earth, is made up of just the right proportion of gases to sustain life. Light from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, water, and minerals from earth's fertile soil combine to produce food for us and all of earth's living things. How could this come about from some uncontrolled explosion from space? And that's not even going into the truly wonderful, organized and exquisitely constructed aspects of life, like the human brain--forget that, even the human cell is more amazing than we can even begin to comprehend on a layman's level. We can only admire it, like a sunset or the stars in the sky, and hope to learn more about it than we have learned so far. How can this just come about? I keep thinking about Hebrews 3:4--"Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constucted all things is God."

Thats the whole thing about us humans, we believe on seeing is believing, miracles and signs. BUT, thats why GOD chose to be invisible. HE wants to see who trusts HIM, believes in HIM and follows HIS rules.
I am not a fan of comparing religions and patronizing opinions.
The whole problem with the human belief of God is that in order for him to be real there can only be one God. This is the biggest problem in my opinion. Throughout time we as a species have worshiped many Gods. And its hard from someone to tell someone else I believe in God and my God is real and yours is not. That is why religion should honestly be abolished. It creates unnecessary conflict amongst human beings. For example, everyone here I am sure knows who Zeus is right? Well, many years ago he was worshiped as the King of the Gods on Mount Olympus. Now fast forward to modern days and he is now considered Greek Mythology. So, in thousands of years he went from being a God to being a story.

What makes that right? What allows one person to say to another they believe in the right religion? Nothing does. So, religion is FAIL. Now, I try to tell people all the time you can have God without religion, but people dont see that as possible. And I really feel sad for the people that blindly follow a religion. Because religion is like the oldest business in the world next to prostitution. Its a big money scam. And people feed the beast daily. Not to mention, do you honestly think God would want his name on something that hold monetary value? Thats ridiculous. Or the fact when you get on the stand in court you swear on the bible. Yeah, because thats not a direct contradiction to what that book is supposed to represent.

Eh who knows. All I know is that if there is a God he abandoned us a long time ago. And he was right in doing so. We are just a parasite on this planet. A mistake of nature. And eventually when the planet is tired of us, it will do away with us. Simple as that.
I just came across this on Slashdot, which links to a study made by 8- to 10-year olds, which begins with the words:

Real science has the potential to not only amaze, but also transform the way one thinks of the world and oneself. This is because the process of science is little different from the deeply resonant, natural processes of play. Play enables humans (and other mammals) to discover (and create) relationships and patterns. When one adds rules to play, a game is created. This is science: the process of playing with rules that enables one to reveal previously unseen patterns of relationships that extend our collective understanding of nature and human nature.

And the word science in itself (from Latin scientia) means knowledge.

Any knowledge is good ... people use science or religion to help themselves coping with life. So, whatever floats someone's boat on the river to knowledge, it's all good.

The Western science was created (not at first, but later on) as a response to oppression by the Church, which used spirituality as a tool to wield worldly powers.

Many Christians are disorganized however, and enjoy the belief for what it is. And so do scientists. Science has become a modern-day anti-religion with followers just as zealous as those of the most powerful religions.

I am a Christian. But I'm also a scientist. Like many others. When I found the Seth Material, I finally had something playful that goes beyond either of those, and seems to do a better job at explaining reality for me.

To each their own ... any belief is good if it helps the individual to progress and make the experiences they want to make.