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is this creepy to anyone else?

seen that before, also seen him written up in real news sources - it's legit, and very strange. but to each his own, i guess
well the ignorant thing is that he has his resume posted on there with all his person stuff... :terrified
a man's gotta have a job.... :lol:

actually i bet he gets money through that site, it's popular enough
you call THAT a job...?

well... no one is perfekt.

Holy moses on a pogo stick ..... they let this guy out into the streets?!
Oh my freakin' god....that has got to be the creepiest website I've ever seen :ut-oh:
Cloud9422 said:
I wonder if he's friends with Michael Jackson.... :eek:

Hmm I don't see the link myself. Michael Jackson is a convicted (I think!) peadophile. This Peter Pan guy seems like a perfectly well balanced guy with an overindulged sense of fun. He is quite open about himself and if you read his bio he does indeed seem pretty well balanced. He states quite clearly that he is into women in their 30-40s. (Ignore me if I have just gone off on one about the paedolphile thing and you were in fact thinking about the Neverland link! *steps down off soapbox* :embarass: )

I'm afraid that I have to agree with him....everyone does take themselves far too seriously. We are all pressured to grow up so quickly and to "lay aside childish things", even look down on them that we all too easily forget the simple things in life. :nuts:

His kind of overt escapism, sillyness and joi de vivre is no more worrying, creepy or childlike than many of you sat there playing games on your computers alone for many hours :tongue: ....at least he's out in public having a laugh.

Long may he reign the King of Sillyness (and I hope he does find his Tink):cloud9:
Jackson is not convicted of anything (yet)... we'll see about that one, but frankly I think Mr Pan is an utter freak of nature. All very well to say we all grow up too soon, but as you know, without doing so things tend to get a tad disorganised... the concept is simplistic and idealistic. Apart from anything else, he looks absolutely bloody ridiculous!

Children don't have any responsibility in life, hence their innate ability to behave like they don't. For those of us who like order to prevail, there has to be some growing up to get it done... sad but true. Few people have the luxury of doing otherwise in reality.
i have to go w/mousefur on this one. he doesn't strike me as being that bad of a guy really. just out to have a little fun :D doesn't look like he's hurting anybody.
I'm sure Mr Pan is mostly harmless, but frankly I wouldn't leave anyone in the care of a god botherin', tight wearin' fruit loop.

Each to her/his own.... I still think he looks bloody ridiculous!
It is odd to me, but he is doing wonderful work in raising donations for kids.
Man, that guy must have a very good reason for doing that! I sure would...hehe
lol that cracked me up inhuman. I think he may have a deep reach to his feminine side by wearing all those tights... I mean, if you look in the picture album he has he dresses up in.... well let's just say *other* things as well :S