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Is TV on the way out in terms of sports entertainment?


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I often hear a big amount of talk that sports online will overtake the TV in terms of watching sports from home. So will we be all watching sports online 15-20 years down the line? Is TV on the way out?
TV will always be more handy for me than my computer. I don't want to go to my desk to watch sports, and I don't like laying on my bed watching movies or TV on my laptop. I suppose there could come a point where I hook my large TV up to my computer with a wireless mouse and keyboard.

However I enjoy turning on the News/NFL Networks when I wake up and watch/listen to that as I get ready, I doubt that will change any time soon.
If some kind of projector system became affordable which you could plug into the laptop with a rock solid reliable inexpensive stream, TV might then find it tough. There's already been a general shift away from the TV to the online world (free streams haven't helped).
I think the two will just become more integrated - it is already happening to some extent.
I think the two will just become more integrated - it is already happening to some extent.
There you have it. There are already examples of online services being integrated with the television and with the copywright crackdowns being in the news, the media companies will be trying to bring it all under the one umbrella, their umbrella.
Thing about TV is you can watch it and forget about it and just relax. While you still need to be in control, or easily distracted.

I just need more HD channels.
Yeah, the internet is growing more and more for entertainment, but the TV will always be there.
No way, tv will always have some part in sports (and in all entertainment for that matter). For one thing, no matter how nice a computer the picture on a television screen is always better. For another, many people like to watch sports in a group and it's much easier to do that on a tv than on a computer.
TVs will just evolve. They already have internet TVs with apps just like a computer.
It does seem to be becoming ne of those 'premium' services. That is a shame because I remember when we'd all sit round the tv when I was a kid and watch a big game. We wouldn't have been able to afford to pay extra.
15-20 years from now?! No one in the world will own a TV OR a computer! Everything will be on smart-phones ;P They seem to be the wave of the future.
There will always be TV's in public locations so that groups of people can watch the same thing. Movie theatres are basically giant televisions.
No way, to many people are watching games every day on TV. I looked forward to my games on TV, it helps me relax and enjoy my day before work again.
I highly doubt TV will ever go away.
Same. It's clearly not the same to watch something on TV (as a family we always gather around the TV to watch soccer matches) than watching it online. Buffering makes it annoying to watch live stream things. Not everybody has an internet connection that's powerful enough to show things as if they were on TV.

Don't forget smart TVs sales have gone crazy for the last couple of months too!
TV will evolve to incorporate more streaming / netflix type sites.

I mean, regular tv cable for programs is still a bit pricey when you consider you can get netflix for $8 if you have decent bandwidth. My basic cable is $40. But i do have good net.
Both have their pros and cons in my opinion. I do like the convienance of being able to watch what you want on your computer when you want to, but nothing beats watching tv with your friends or family.
It's hard to envision TV ever going away, but the internet is the future as far as how content will be shown. Just a few years ago, streams were terrible in quality. Nowadays, we have some very high quality ones which will only get better.