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It is a woeful day for AMD overclockers!! IMPORTANT


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Tis a sad and woeful day! Be careful on your christmas shoping lists!! All new AMD bartons are being shipped with locked multiplyers.

I think it started about a week and a half ago. No physical differences have been seen in new chips so far. Most CPU's made post week 39 are locked. Good chance all lower rated Athlon XPs week 43 and later are locked and many of the week 39 through 42 are as well. Some CPUs are coming in un-locked. No wire tricks seem to work.

Sad, Sad day.

Link will be coming shortly...
kinda old news but yes this is sad, amd even said they had no intention of locking their processors :(
I wonder if AMD understands how it will hurt sales. The average Joe only buys intel because it's all he's heard of and the enthusiast now will buy intel because they can cope better with locked multiplyers. When did you see it Xeno?
(also are linking to other forums allowed?)
i saw this like last wenesday but yes i don't care if you link to other forums but do not say badthings about them
Large post with lists of locked and unlocked numbers: OCForums

This also seems like an AMD attempt to sell more expensive processors. If you buy and expensive processor (64bit) you get free range but if you buy a cheap one you don't.
they do this because they don't want you to take advantage of its full capability and would rather you have spend the extra cash and buy the better ones.
isnt intel trying to do that same thing? Not that what they are doing is right but both are doing it its a marketing thing. Other then AMD or INTEL we dont have decent choices.
intel has had this for many many years, but intel is now working on FSB locking technology so i hear
This is a very sad day, for me cuz it puts a big crimp in future plans i have. But as long as they leave the highend 64s alone i should be fine.
Just give it time, someone will find a way to unlock them :p
so man, this just means we need to get the amd 64's :D
ill just ask for an a64, a64mobo and new ram for for xmas rather than just a 2500+ (joking)
Dude about the fsb locking, i think the only way to cripple it would be to make the mother board (ie. Chipset) not capable of greater then stock fsb. Intels fsb for the "canterw00d" is 200mhz and the mobos are able to pump over 300fsb so i dont know if intel will kill off there sales. But you got to note that most of intels sales are oems such as dell , ibm , gateway, and some customs. But amds market is mostly lower priced high end pcs such as some emachines. Amd is a big icon of the Enthusiast(spelling :( ) market so i dont know if they will continue. I have a 2500+ and i love changing the multi :)
i really hope they unlock them again. or at least leave the 64's unlocked when they're cheaper.

I'm not paying $400 for a processor.
I guess the locking isn't to bad for AMD right now because a multiplyer of 11 isn't a bad one. 11x200=3200 11x166=2500 but it does crash some peoples 250FSB plans. 250x11=to fast for a barton.
ok, bert sorry to bust ur bubble beacouse most amd users cant achive 250fsb with out a mod. Me my self i can only get 225mz, and i run 200 x 10.5 = 3000+.
I dont want to increase vcore beacouse that would kill my 2500 alot faster which i dont want beacouse i dont have 90 for another.
I have seen guys at 250, a lot near, and a lot going for it; most with water. I use air and 1.7V to core. I will agree that most can't get to 250, it takes a good board, good ram and luck but with locked multiplyers it's imposible because 11 is the lowest multiplyer you can get (as far as i know).
Dude you just need a chip like mine :) , i would do the voltmod for my board if i cared enought to get 250fsb but i dont really care enought to risk my board. I allready voided warrenty by epoxy'n the zalman on sb. But ohwell the board is good and sexy!!!!!