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it's 4:28am

You trippin, ****.
I acted like I was :p

It took my mom a long time to believe I really wasn't taking drugs. She keep thinking I was taking something that couldn't be detected.

Clearly it is just bad genetics so the fault really lays with her and my father :D
I like 4:28.

Did the therapist tell you you are crazy?

nope. they're usually telling me how they're suprised at my progress. ie. how on earth have you not killed yourself yet?? :D

apparently i'm unusual even amongst the unusual. :unsure:
You don't seem crazy

not crazy like Newk arleast

I was the same in highschool. It was common for me to go over a week without sleep. I use to be wacked out from lack of sleep my mom would take me in to be drug tested thinking I was taking something :lol:
not crazy? well everything's relative i guess. :p
i'm much, much less screwed up than i used to be, but i still have my moments.

did anyone ever think to test you for ADHD?

your doctor is a moron.
oh, btw, 5:39 AM. ****ING BRAIN!!!

and i've been fairly immobilised for the past couple of days. steve dragged my arse out of bed at about 3pm this afternoon. i wouldn't have moved otherwise.
right now i'm kinda wired.

Well, it's nice that you're still here.

Sometimes. :)
not crazy? well everything's relative i guess. :p
i'm much, much less screwed up than i used to be, but i still have my moments.

did anyone ever think to test you for ADHD?

your doctor is a moron.
This is back in HS, around 15 years ago. I don't know if it was common to test for that back then.

Theres been a big shift in the was doctors handle people. Now they try every option with better living,eating working out etc...

Pills are a very very last resort now it seems. Atleast around here.

I liked it better when you walked into your doctors, got some pills and went home. ****ing trying to figure out why I don't sleep or how to get me to sleep 7-8 hours a night, just give me pills to make me feel better. I don't have time for all the other bullshit.
This is back in HS, around 15 years ago. I don't know if it was common to test for that back then.

Theres been a big shift in the was doctors handle people. Now they try every option with better living,eating working out etc...

Pills are a very very last resort now it seems. Atleast around here.

I liked it better when you walked into your doctors, got some pills and went home. ****ing trying to figure out why I don't sleep or how to get me to sleep 7-8 hours a night, just give me pills to make me feel better. I don't have time for all the other bullshit.

:lol: yes, well i think if a problem can be solved by living healthily then i'm all for it, but i also believe in finding out what is actually wrong with you rather than just telling you to drink a glass of water to see if everything gets better.
An EEG would sort out whether or not you have ADHD. As far as I understand it it maps some of the electrical activity in the brain. I had the test when i was about 19, no ADHD for me.
although i have no idea how much of it would be covered by health insurance over there... i didn't pay a cent, but i live in australia. :p
temperature has nothing to do with illness. any hypochondriac worth their salt could tell ya THAT!!!

i was likely ADD or ADHD as a teenager, but the only "test" they had was a glucose tolerance test. In other words, if you weren't having insulin issues, you were "hyperactive".
i meant for that to be two different statements, BUT lower temperature does use more energy, energy that could otherwise be used supporting the immune system in battling off viruses.
:lol: yes, well i think if a problem can be solved by living healthily then i'm all for it, but i also believe in finding out what is actually wrong with you rather than just telling you to drink a glass of water to see if everything gets better.
An EEG would sort out whether or not you have ADHD. As far as I understand it it maps some of the electrical activity in the brain. I had the test when i was about 19, no ADHD for me.
although i have no idea how much of it would be covered by health insurance over there... i didn't pay a cent, but i live in australia. :p
We'll see if I'm motivated next time I go to the doctors.

We just switched to better insurance, before I could pay around 3000 out of pocket a year now I think it's way smaller.

I have no idea what it cost if you have no insurance. I don't look at the itemized billing from doctors very often, although when I went into the ER a few years ago for what turned out to be kidney stones then must have a run a good dozen test and I was in there for about 10-12 hours before they found out it was stones, gave me some meds and let me go home, that was a good bit over $10,000. Wish I made that much a day, medical cost are outragous over here imo

temperature has nothing to do with illness. any hypochondriac worth their salt could tell ya THAT!!!

i was likely ADD or ADHD as a teenager, but the only "test" they had was a glucose tolerance test. In other words, if you weren't having insulin issues, you were "hyperactive".
Yep. It can be the coldest day of the year but if the germ isn't there you can't get sick from it, the cold weather really has nothing to do with it.
I've felt sick for the past month...

I have never been as sick as I've been for as long as I've worked for the company I'm at now. :(

Winter comes around and I'm sick 90% of the winter days, and it's 80 degrees outside and I still feel sick.

My company pays 100% of my health insurance.
what the hell is wrong with you
Everything... Well, lately it feels like my temperature is high... I never liked cold temperature, but for the past month, I've been keeping my office like a refrigerator, and it never feels like I'm getting cool enough. Plus I'm tired. =\
Yep, you are all ****ed up in the head