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It's a boy!

Congratulations, Kezzer. I hope you and your hubby enjoy your baby boy when he comes. I was about to suggest the name, Micah. That's my middle name, and one I would like to use on a son.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
Logan, Landon, eh close enough! Good luck with these final few weeks. Stay off those feet and get lots of rest!

I keep on rollin'...*deep (Hmpf) voice* baby

Duke on!

Steak for two for one...for me...Dominic!
Definitely rest up. You will need it, soon.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
Rest??? Who has time for that?? I have a house to clean and disinfect and clothes to clean and fold. I already have the crib set up, did that the other day. Now that nesting has kicked in there isn't enough time in a day!
Congrats kezzer!

I just have to point out that my old signature was:
"Should I call you Logan, Weapon X?"

On the other hand, it's not too late to change your mind and name him Shahab (means shooting star in farsi)!

"May those who love us love us. And those who don't love us-- may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limping." -- Keeping the Faith
42 more days til my due date. Sunday I went and climbed to a waterfall and today I was shooting some hoops with my neighbor. I pretty much feel great. About 2 weeks ago I popped, everyone can definately tell I'm pregnant now. It took a while to though. I've only gained 25 lbs so far, which is great considering with my first 2 I gained over 50 lbs. I can't wait, everything is ready, I just need the baby!
this is great news
i too used to do a lot of hiking when i was preg w/the second. i felt totally normal and didn't get real big until the end.

so i take it you've got the baby's room all done and the diapers stacked up and reeeeady to go ??

"only a white man would build a fire for everyone to see."

[crawl]resident spiderMOD[/crawl] "to know her is to FEAR her."
Everything is all set. Tha baby's bag is packed, I just need to pack mine. Today I have 5 weeks til D- Day.
24 more days! Although, I almost thought I was in labor on Sunday. I started having cramps at work, but after sitting down for over an hour they stopped. I have an appt. later today, I'll keep ya posted.
wow, that's always a little scary isn't it? please let us know how things go at the doctor

"The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists until the moment you don't."

-- Gerrard of the Weatherlight

"There is just one reality left: We are here and it is now. You get hold of that and hang on to it or you might as well be dead."
Well, nothing interesting happened at my appointment except I was there 3 hours waiting. For some reasone they were taking all these people that had got there after me first. And to top it off I had both my other kids with me, getting antsy and hungary and making me crazy. Then by the time they got to me, they were all rushed cuz they wanted to leave for lunch. The doctor didn't even check if the baby was still head down, I had to ask and then he checked. I gained 1/2 a pound, the 1/2 pound I lost 2 weeks ago I got back. So my total weight gain is back up to 25 lbs. After today I am not looking forward to my appointment next week, I just wanna go have the baby and get it done with!
oh man, that's always fun. just reading about it is making me ill
i'm glad you're okay tho. i'm assuming that any type of relaxation is out of the question at this point, but at least it will be over soon and the new wittle kezzerling will be here

"The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists until the moment you don't."

-- Gerrard of the Weatherlight

"There is just one reality left: We are here and it is now. You get hold of that and hang on to it or you might as well be dead."
Well, I figured I'd stop in and give a quick update. My due date came and went Friday and still no baby. I had figured since this was my third I wouldn't have to wait this long. A friend of mine told me he's getting his revenge now, so he'll be an angel when he's older. I hope that's it, but somehow I don't buy it.
Well, I guess he just wants to hang onto the easy life as long as he can ;)

Hope he makes his appearance soon :)
well I know that as of yesterday our dear Kezzer still hadn't had that baby!!
I hope she goes soon....for her sake.
It's got to be killing her.
no way! isn't she like a week overdue or more? poor thing. if you speak to her, let her know we're all thinking about her.
Logan Allen was born on Sept 13th at 9:20 pm. He was 8lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long. We came home today and our doing good so far. As soon as I get pictures back I'll post the link.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :party1:

And a Happy Birthday to Logan Allen! :birthday:

Welcome back to you, Kezzer!!